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3.19 [] Rrasonably I��ecl Suil ul cnvn 5p;irp. , <br />3.20'��j Opon the lound,ifion Jneclly br�hind porrh. Rernuvr. infecled end joist. Repau <br />� founda�ion pla��•�, sub tloors (wh�:ru ncces�.xy), and rrmo✓�� d^bris (rorn mside porch. Chemically treat all areas <br />of in(es�ation �vi�h 2", chlordane in ligh( oil. Install vapor barrier over soil under porch. Install at least one <br />8" x ld" venl screc�ned with ��" galvanimd hard�vare clu�h to area under poreh. <br />3.21 � Rrmove sidin�; ahovr porch anil fill rnr_ks or void betw�er, house and porch. Install metal tlashing and water proof <br />� compounds to prev+�nt w;rtcr Ic,�k�.�F,n/� ride, <br />3.22 (1 Reronstruct porches tu bear upon concmte fwting. (Sagging porch ekvitions to be con�cled lo within 1" o( level ' <br />to allo, proper w.iter nin ult .vhcre applicabl« ). <br />3.23 [� Rc�lacc porcli dcck viilh all ne;i "standard or bctter" 1 x 4 T&G fir (looring (all single <br />Irngthsi. Finisl�� deck rd�es with trim of "f�ul tJos" ctep matrrial. Paint new materials with "n�z" as a sealant <br />against vicatLr m5. <br />3.24 ❑ Pepiacr_ porch railing with all nec� No. 1 tinish materials. Paint new materials with <br />���^ln :Cd�Aiii. <br />3.�5 U kcpair porr,h or step footin,;s lo bear upon above gradr eoncrete. Replace all rotttrd <br />or damarr�d materials. !� Replace_ __ steps eomplete. <br />3.2G ❑ Re ma�e ex�stio;; ��,00d sNJrtinE; or skirting cnmbinations around_ and repiace <br />wiCi a non-cellulose material such as "flexhoard." Install sufficient piers and posts and 2 x 4 haeking (or sound <br />consUucliun. 2 x 4 bac.kin;; to be a minirn, im of 2' on center with bottom framing approzimaiely 6" above ext^ricr <br />�rade. "Flrx-bo, rJ" or eGuiv�leni to be a miiiimum thickness of 3/]G". RepaiNreplace any damaged supports, <br />bcam; or joist ends 1�• sound construdion. <br />3.'l7 x �F�'^rw:no�vc old fonn lumh r, tra;h and r.cllulosc rli�bris (rom soil nf crawl space E' :':;.._'�,"�--!-�--r��„�,�.+-+� <br />�:uO�.� .W � .u�..�_ . . VyTw.��.n��.'�' �.:�.�.�.,Y.�..1 <br />�q}�!ZrnTZT�-Ll�f�T.+T-.�rT�N�ll�1!���wL -- _ <br />3.7E x Irstall new plastic vapor barricr as reyuimd for complete coverage. Allow a six inch lap �vhere joined anp hold in <br />placc with bricks or slr,nes. <br />3.29 � Chemically lreal all iieas of infeslation to include new materiais and existing malerials adjacent to reconstruction <br />wdh an apprnved )(1-un�icidal, j( Termile (damp wood), (] Powder Post E3eeUe, �„Moisture Ant .., treating <br />chemical such as j� copp:-rnaplhenate "2U", [_j 5% pentachlorophenol in light oil, ,S( 29b chlordan,/� in light oil. <br />NOTE: All chemical Irealin� to be performed prior to the installation of plaslic vapor barrier. <br />3.30 [j Chemically ireat snil of all crawl areas and along footings vaith 146 chlordane (water emulsion) according to accept- <br />ed standard tennitc operator procedures (or thc control of subtr.rrenean termites. <br />331 ��] Chemically treat fnr thc e�adic. tion oi carpon!er anls, by drilling method, all areas of infestafion to include exlenor <br />�•iall, attic, crawl space, or basrment with 24o Chiordane and !a46 Lindane in spray base. Treat yard areas with <br />24� Chlordanr (:�;rtcr emulsion). <br />332 XAller I!�� v,ork has bocn complr�c�d by the pest control company,the pest eontrol firm shall fumish thr, department <br />of H.U.D. v:ith a stardard W��� igton Stale Pnst Control Association clearance certification si�;ned by the pest con• <br />trul com{�any operalor mdicr.. ig that all r+ork has been performeA according to the detailed speci!ications. <br />3.33 ;_; Atter thr tvork h;e, heirr conyile�ed by the p��t conlrol cumpany, the pest control (irm shall (urnish lhe owner with <br />a standard Washinglon Sl�te Pest Conlrol /lssociation cle�uance certilicatiun. <br />3.34 [' In the event th� homc ovmcr performs his own work, � �Icar:�nce certificalion n;ay br_ obtained (rom lhe ori�inal <br />inspecting tirm at current reinspeclion (ee of R� . • <br />3.35 ❑ Remove v�ood supports (or plurnbin�/healing duc�s, etc. and install pip� strap or other stable support of concrete <br />blocl: or olher non-ci�llulo�e m,itr.rials. , <br />3.;iG :' Clean, repan, caulk and treat ,ill existinf; to prevent vr,{ter le�ks. Replaee missing or damaged do�•mspouts <br />nnd splash bluc6�,. (Sulash bbck5 ro bc insiallr:d to lacilitatc water dramagc aaiay irom house). All do,vnspouts <br />leadi-g lo splash blechs aie ic hrwe r,lbo�vs installed.� _; Replace rot or darnaged seclion . <br />3.3? !_� Remoc��� i!ter t.iils anri insL�ll ncw 4 x 5 wooden, treated �;utters (treat �;utter intrriors a(lr.r installalion with as- <br />phalt ru �i coafini;). InsLill no�: downspouts to include =plash blocks which aie to be installed b(acilitate water <br />' drainage away frorn lious:�, All dovmspouts Icading to splash blocks are to have clboris installed. <br />3.+fi xRepla�-�� cxistinr, ,^,ulti rs ,vith n� vi 4 x 5 tvood. trcaled, of(sr;l �;ul(crs (trr��t gulter interiors afler installalion wifh <br />aspliall roof cn.�lin,�,). Imt;ill n��:v dosn�pouls lo inr,ludr [oncrele splash blocks where missing oi dam��;ed. (Off- <br />sel };utteis to be not Icti�, thin 's"). All duwnspouts leading tn splash blocks are to have elbows ins�alled. <br />339 X Inslall ioul yd�,�� Il,islnn � inr �mn�n�� v�a�c� run-oll in�o ncvi �uttnrs. <br />3.;u � R�/.�ir rooF �ap w�.cPt ciuKR�c�. <br />3.d1 :; Rrpl�lr.c ddrn,���rd ur rntt��d �,h��.itliin(; a; necessary and ... l5'_e followinf: iwo ifi•msl. <br />3.42 !�'� Install a nr:v ��onq�l��lc l.f'� Ib. 3 l+ib co,�^•isilian roof with mr,lal cdfy, (hshings. <br />3.�13 � I Ins.lall �i new c:mipli�b; hrit moP roo( (hvo L�v�°rs of 15 Ih. fnit and one laycr o( 30 Ib. felU to include metal ydGr <br />flrc;l�inr�,s. sc�ippers. do�^mspoutti and q�lash hl�r,ks. (Spl.�sh hlocks �o b�� im.tallcd to lacihtatn wntcr drainagu ac�ay <br />Iroin hou��ol All dn,vns��outs I��.idini; �o splo�li blockti ru�• lo hnve clbuws installe�:l. <br />3.44 �;ont. t:ull��r�,. duwn��.�,uu�s ;�nd plumhinH IrnP,s arc �I�la�i��l lrorn lhosc Pcst Conli"I r�.qni:rmnnb �nc���n� S%ed� <br />3A5 I I Conrctinns tu flum rl��oalinn; wuuld result �i� ��lrnsive damn��e to upper walls, etc. <br />3.'G ❑ No di��;r, m is inrluded in tl ese spr.cifiealion�. <br />4A ( I(See at!achecl p,ii��� Nn. 4(ui �dditional ilrms). <br />`�.l �(Carreet ���or ��eu4t�ens fo ltVr� �nst��� P�o/`« tkP/'e�� rer SO4MO Co�cTrctet.oq. <br />h�•:• Repla«I'o�ft� �iqli� tic�e w��e�r� �ran.inr• <br />