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.. '""'_'_."_'___."""""""�_"_ .x <br />• Yes N�b�, No_ <br />E!colenation: (a) E�cl lffic in a,rietin�erroar� Wi>> l�— ''""=""',; <br />. . _.. :�~i1�.:`I'�'It <br />� '{111DaGted. S_ _rrrt imnrnvamante xro P?a��a� ��Nc. 111�L"tJr �.;�u. <br />? "?.T�� ' 'R: in:t dit^eC9 "f.N►fHL. .. . _ . . - ... . <br />(I.k�F�.�l�%�� 1%it� M <br />(14) Public Servicee. Will the propoeal have an eEfect upon. or result <br />in a need for nev governmental servicea in any of the folloving ,..`�.�� <br />areae2 x . ;,_ <br />(a) Fire protection4 =..,w:c.. <br />��_:r: <br />(b) Police protectioa? �- .i+.� <br />(c) School�T — "'�' ;"•;� <br />(d) Parka or other retreational facilitiea4 __ �— - <br />(e) Maintenance of public facilitiea, including roads2 __ �. _- <br />(f) O[lier governmental serviceet • —• �- <br />::rGr; . <br />Eeplanntions p d� � ien.. ��S �I��r �3E' C�ti,�:Oc� •i+� 't�rri: l��-u; a �u,�titS <br />�F�J M(� 0� fna )u� nA F.:i1:it lZtiS1�,�S Ch Tirr. �1Z�tili �i:%RN�•JuNS <br />(15) F.ner . Will the proposal reault in: <br />(a) Use of aubstantial amounts of fuel or energy4 <br />(a� Demand upon existing aources of energy, or reyuire ehe <br />development of nev sources of energyl <br />ra;planntion: <br />(16) 7tilltles. Will the proposal result in a need for nev eysteas, or <br />� alte:ationa to the following utilities: <br />(a) Yover or naturnl gasT <br />(b) Cocceunicatione systems4 <br />(c) 47nter7 <br />(d) Sever or aeptic tanksY <br />(e) Stora water drainaga? <br />(f) Solid waete and disposal7 <br />Explanacion: �e) A storm retentior�stem cn site orill bP <br />Tt �•t FI�-�.. 3. ��u..tS <br />(11) Huran Health. klll the proposal re_ul: in che cseation oE any <br />health hazard or potential health hazard (e�ccl� ing oental <br />health)? <br />Expanaticn: <br />X <br />�_ <br />X <br />(18) Aes:hrtics. V1111 the proposal :esu:: in the obstruction oE aay <br />scenic vl.sta or viev open [o the puhllc, or vill t'.:e proposal <br />result :r, the creation of an aesche[ically offenslve si[e open — � <br />[o public vieu't -- <br />�nac <br />1 ' <br />