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Yes i•laybe -. Na , -.. <br />(6), Nolse. Will the prop- 1 increase existing noise leve' '1 _ _� _ <br />_/ <br />�xplanation: INTRODUCTION OF 42 FIOUSING UNiTS <br />(7) LiRht and Clare. Will the proposnl proouce new light or glare7 X <br />Explanation: � TVTNf: IINTTG Llil t DRf11111f.F I Tl;NT ill FVFNTNf: 41(111RC <br />�(8) Land Use. WS11 tha proposal result in the alteration of the presen � <br />or planned lend use of an area? <br />Explanation:_'jT�E ti'e�t CLLLI'N�L� �iAC.4^�i 1�+30 ���K. ie ��N�4'P�� <br />...�n� �1�- M• 1iU, tnM��Y lar�t��4 J.��ri <br />(9) Natural I.esources. Will the propoeal result !n: <br />(a) 7nerease in the rate of use of any natural Fesources? <br />(bi Depletion of any nonrenewable natural resource4 <br />'ucplanation <br />(10) Ri: . of Upset. Doea the proposa7. involve a rlsk of an explosion or the <br />release of hezardous subetances (including, but not limieed to, oil, <br />peaticides, chemicals or zadiation) in the event of an accident ar <br />upset conditiona4 — <br />�- <br />Explanation: <br />�,�(11) pp�ulat:on. I.'ill the proposal alter the location, distribution, <br />densicy, or growth rate of the human population of an areaY <br />�lana[ion; in� iQa-Cz� ti��� 4pP �1� �l �'S ( r 4�� f it + n ��I 6i.,itS <br />1 nr�= ARrN - <br />z <br />W��(12) Nouain : Will the p•oposal affect esieting houaing availability, or <br />create a demand for additional housing4 Jj_ __ � <br />Explenation: Trtc 1'•4:tic- ...,��. Ir:i,r�uc Ilc_:���. /n:r��+d4Tt r3� HZ <br />C. ..i ...1 b'. �TS --- <br />(13) Tran�ortation/Circulation <br />Will the proposal reault in: <br />(a) Ceneration of additional vehicular movec�entl _,jL <br />�;�(b) Effectt: on existing parking facilitleS, ar demand for nev parking7 K <br />(c) Impact �pnn existing ttanspartation syetems4 x <br />(d) Alteratioas to present patterns of circulation or movemene of <br />people and/or goods? <br />(e) Alterations to vater6arne, rail or air traffic? <br />��.(E) Increase in trafEic'hazards to motor vehlcles, bicycllets or <br />pedestrlans? <br />C <br />