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I.� <br />`IITIGA'LiO;J REQUZftED BY EiXISTING CODES e1ND ORDINANCE$ <br />1. Detailed drawings in accordance with City Design and Construction <br />Standards shall be submitted to the Public Works Department showing <br />site parking layout, landecaping, utilities, storm drainage, r.emporary <br />construcr.ion eroeion control, and all requlred improvements in t:ie <br />public right-of-way. Public Works Department approval of these <br />drawings is required prlor to a¢y permiis being issued. AL1 <br />improvementa shall be complet:ed, approved, and warranted before the <br />Occupancy Permit is isaued. (SEPA Other Policizs) <br />2. Minimum fire flow of 1500 gpm will 6e required for [hia proposal. <br />- Portable fire protectian 1s requirad. provide a minimum UL Rated 2A 40 <br />B.C. extinguieher within 75 feet travel diatance of all combustible <br />consiruction and in ihe oFfice space when built. (SEPA Public Services <br />and 1ltilities Policies) <br />3. Spec7al charges for connection to the aewer and water syateme in <br />accordance with Ordinance 1171-85 are applicable. The actual coet <br />shall be computed by the Bullding Department per the Ordinance in <br />effect at the r.ime and according r.o the information provided on the <br />approved plans on the date of permit issuance. (SEPA Public Services <br />and Ukilitiea Policies) <br />4. Yarking must be per City Zoning Code and City Design and Couetruction <br />Standards. For r.he 9,922 square feee of mini-etorage facility and 242 <br />square feet of office space proposed, a minimum of four (4) parking <br />etalls is required. (SEPA Transportation Policies) <br />5. Broadway is a deaignated Gateway Corridor of the City, ehus a landscape <br />atrip, minimum of 10 feet wide, muat be provlded along the entire <br />Broadway Avenue frontage betxeen the street and the c�ini-storage <br />facility area, except for �riveways in compliance with Section <br />19.40.050 of [he Zoning Code and Section 1.13 of the Standards and <br />Specifications Manual. The landscaping muat conrtist of: <br />a. groundcover over a minimum of 75X of the area, and <br />b. evergreen trees or ahrubs a oinimum of three feet in height at <br />time of planting to number at least 6 for each 100 equare feet of <br />required landscape area <br />The intent of this requirement is to nrovide screening of the parking <br />area and to ehield car lighes from ahining into the right-of-vay. If <br />berming of the planting areas a minimum of one foot Sa lieight above the <br />level of khe parking lot is provlded, plant heighta vay be reduced to 2 <br />feet. (SEPA Aea[hetice and Light and Glare Policiea) <br />6. 0¢-aite detentio�.i is required, OR, in lieu af providing on-aite <br />�ietenti.on, payment to City Draivage Fund 340 is allowed per <br />Ordinance 670-80. (SEPA Public Servicea and Utilities Polictes) <br />7. Removal of any unuaed driveway curb cuts and repl.acement with f.ull <br />height curb and guteer is required. (SEPA Public Services and <br />Utllities Policiea) <br />- Z - <br />