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The easement ia over and across a trect of land eituated in tha County of <br /> � <br /> Snohomish, State of Washington, an1 the eaeement is described as follows: <br /> See Exhibf.t "A" nttached hareto and incorporated herain by reference. <br /> This easement is granted sub�ect to and conditioned upon the following terms, <br /> conditlons and covenants: <br /> 1. Cran[or ahall at all times conduct its activities and all othez <br /> activitiea ccnducted on Crantor'e property eo as not to interfare with, <br /> obstruct or endanger the usefulneas of any improvements, or other facilities, <br /> now or hereafter maintained upon the easement, or ln eny way interfere with, <br /> obatruct or endanger the City's use of the eesement. <br /> 2, Prior to any construction, work or any other activity by Crantor on <br /> the easement, a notification and plans for the same shall be aubmitted !n <br /> writing to the City by Contractor and no such conatruction, work or activity <br /> by Grantor ahall be commenced without City's prior written agreement that the <br /> Crantor'e propoe-� conatruction, work or activity will not interfere with the <br /> City's easement gxanted herein; PRCVIDED, NOWEVER, any changes or reviaions in <br /> the plana shall also ba sub�ect to City's prior agreement. The City's review <br /> of t; • Crantor's plana u�der ehis easement ahall not be deemed tu impoae any <br /> duty or obligation on tha City to �letarmine the adequacy or sufficiency of <br /> Crantor's plans and designa nor whather Grantor's construction, work or <br /> activity ia in conformance with other applicable plans, codas and <br /> regulations. Furthar, agreement by tha City to such conatruction, work or <br /> ectivity shall not in eny manner be conaidered as imposing any obllgaCion. <br /> duty ar li�billty upon tha Clty as to the safety or propriety of euch <br /> construction, work or activity. <br /> �,, ,��f,.., ,ie ��-,�p�.r,,,.e <br /> ...:'ri :�fo:�. I��el.' �1v:::t3 <br /> "2' <br /> �� 4. � 60 � (� � X a voi . 2922r�r,E28G8 <br /> �SB) <br />