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� <br /> 3. Crantor h�reby authorizea City to cut, trim and remove any and all <br /> i <br /> brueh, trnea, other vegatation or debris upon the naeement end tha rlght of <br /> acceas for such purposee. Crantor also auttiorizes the City to cut, trim and <br /> remove any and all brush, treea, other vegetation and debrie on Grantor's <br /> property which, in the City's reasonable judgmenc, constitutea e hazard to the <br /> easement and the right of acceea for auch purposee. <br /> 4. The Grentor agreea thet title to all brush, treee, other vegetatton or <br /> debris trimmed, cut and removed from the eeeemant pureuant to thie Agraement, <br /> and alao ell bruah, treea, other vegetation or debris trimmad, cut and removed <br /> from Grantor's land pursuant to this Agreement ie veated Sn tha City, and thet <br /> tha conaideration Neid for convaying said easement and rights herein described <br /> is accepted as full compensation for all damages incidental to the exarciee of <br /> any of Baid rights. <br /> 5. In the event Grantor plecee any lmprovementa on the easement or 1 <br /> constructe anything on tha easement without firat having obtained the aritten <br /> approval of the City Engineer, the Crantor ahall cease all such activlty and <br /> remove any and all improvements placed thereon without tha writtan agreement <br /> of the City Engineer. In the event Grantor fails to obtain prior approval, <br /> Crantor hereby authorizea the City to remove any and all improvemente placed ' <br /> or conatructed thereon and hold the City, ita officera, employees and egents <br /> harmless from demage caused to said improvemente from removal thereof, <br /> Crantor further agreea to pay the City for any and all costa incurred by tha <br /> City in removing the improvements. This right i� in addition to any o[her <br /> right tha City may havo at law or in equity. <br /> C:�:'7.:,"�'. s:,. :R?:-;;:a <br /> � 4R �',, f� 9 (l ;� � .� <br /> 3 vo� . 2922rtir,E2� G9 <br /> ; ���, <br />