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The easement la over an� acroea a trect of land sttuated in the County of <br /> i <br /> Snohomish, 5r.ate of Washington, and the eaeement 1s deacribed ae follovi: <br /> See Exhibit "A' ettached hereto and incorporated hersin by refarsnce. <br /> Thic aaeement ls grantad aub�ect to and conditlor�ed upon the following tem�, <br /> conditions and covenents: <br /> . 1. Crantor shall at ull times conduct itc activities and all oth�r <br /> ectivitiae conducted on Crentor's propezty co a� not to intarfar� vith, <br /> obatruct or er.danger the uaefulness of any improvements, or other facilitias, <br /> now or hnreafter mnintained upon tha �asement, or in eny wey intarfars with, <br /> obatruct or endenger tha City'a use of the e�sement. <br /> 2. Prior tc any construction, vork or any other ectivity by Crantor on <br /> tha eaeement, a notlficetion end plans for the sema ahsll ba �ubmittad in <br /> writing to the City by Contrector and no such construction, work or activlty <br /> by Grantor ahell be commenced without City's prior vritten agraemant that tha <br /> Grantor'� proposed construction, work or activlty aill not interfera with tha <br /> City's easenent gran::ed herein; PROVIDED, HOpEVER, any chengna or revisions in <br /> the plan� shall alao be sub�ect to City's prior agreament. The City's reviaw <br /> of tha Crantor's plans under thLs eatement shall not be deemed to impo�a ,�ny ' <br /> duty or obligetion on the City to datarsina tha adaquacy or of <br /> Crantor'� plene and daiigns nor vhether Grantor'■ conatruction, vosk or <br /> �crivity is in confozmance with other applicable plans, codas uid <br /> regulations. Furiher, agraement by Che City to �ouch construction, vork or <br /> activlty bhell not in any manner be coneidered as lmpoaing any obligation, <br /> duty or liability upon the City as to the safety ox propriety of tuch <br /> conatruction, vork or activity. <br /> ,.�. <br /> s4ososo5l � <br /> 2 voi. 2922rbc� 2868 <br />