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3. Crentor hereby suthorizes City r,a cut, trin end remove any and �11 <br /> brueh, trees, other vegerstion or debris upon ths eaaament and the right of <br /> accees for such purposes. Crantor also auttiorizas the City to cut:, trim and <br /> remove any and ell brush, treea, other vegetetion and debrie on Grantor's <br /> property which, in ths City's reaeonabla �udpent, constitutas a hazard to tha <br /> easemant and the rlght of eccesa for such purpoaes. <br /> 4. The Crantor agrees thet title to all bru�ti, tree�, othar va6etatior� oz <br /> debrie tricmed, cut end removed from the aasement purausnt to thi• Agrsament, <br /> and also all brush, trees . other vegetstion or debris trimmed, cut and removed <br /> from Grantor's land purauant to this Agreement !s vested in the City, and that <br /> the consideration paid for conveying seid easement and r+ghta hecein da�cribad <br /> is acctpted ae full compnnsation for all damageo incidentsl to the exercice of <br /> any of s�id righee. <br /> 5. In the event Crantor placns eny improvements on tha nasement or <br /> constructs enything on the easement vithout first having obtainnd the vritten <br /> approval of the City Engineer, the Crantor ahall cnase all such acCivity and <br /> . ramovs any and all lmprovements placed thereon vithout the written agraement <br /> of the City Engineer. In the event Crantor fsils to obtain prior approval, <br /> Crantor hereby authorizea tha City to remove eny and all improvements placed ' <br /> or conseructed theraon and hold the City, ite officers, employnes and a6enes <br /> harmlasa from d�maga cauaed to said improvnments from ramov�l theraof. <br /> Crantor furehaz agrees to pay the City for any and all costs incurred by eh� <br /> City in removing the improvemente. This right is` in addition to any other <br /> right the City may have at law or in equity. <br /> 94 � � U90 � 15 <br /> 3 voi. 2922rtisE2869 <br /> ,.�, <br />