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�, �-.. <br /> ,. . - <br /> REVISED <br /> DEiERMINATIUH OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE <br /> SEPA •125-87 <br /> DESCRIPYION OF PkOPOSAL: The proposea action is the issuance of Buileina ane <br /> Public Worka permits to allow the demolition of 11 single family housea and <br /> three garaqea and the conatruction of an appro�:imately 14,391 square foot <br /> shopping center with uaee including a McDonalds, bank and retail/office apace. <br /> Approximately 15,600 cubic yarda of earth would be removed from the aite. The <br /> proposal includea the approval by City Council of the vacation/realianment of a <br /> portion of the alley runnina north-south through the s:te. <br /> PROPONENT: William R. Weaver <br /> 43 E. Doualas Dr. <br /> Oak Harbor, WA 98277 <br /> LOCAiION: north of 41st St. , between Colby Ave. and Hoyt Ave. <br /> Lead Agency: City of Everett Planning Dept. <br /> Contact Persan: Hary Cunninaham Phone: 259-8731 I <br /> Mitiaation Measurea: <br /> The environmental impacts of this proposal are documented �n the Environmentai <br /> Checklist and other information on file with the City. The liated reauirementa <br /> are placed in response to our review of this tnio.^mation: <br /> 11ITIGATION OF ADVERSE I!lPACTS BY SEPA <br /> 1. Any grading/fill on this site shall be done so as to not iroact the <br /> surrounding properties. ISEPA Earth, Land and Snoreline Uee Policies'r <br /> 2. Screening of all outdoor ref�se disposal areas must be provided so that � <br /> they are not visible from ad,7acent properties or publi•� riahts-of-way. <br /> The disposal areas must be shown on the aite plan submitted :or builcina <br /> permite. (SEPA Aeathetics Policies) <br /> � 3. Litter receptacles must be provided as requlred by WAC 173-310, cSE?A <br /> Environmental Health and Aesthetics PoliciesJ <br /> 4. The driveWay on the nev alley at 41st Street shall be 35 feet vide to <br /> accommadate a three lane inaress/earess. ISEPA Transportation Policies) <br /> * 5. In order to prevent qotential conflicts betveen the drive-thouah traffic <br /> and traffic on Colby Ave. , the southernmost driveway on Calby A�•enue vii! <br /> net be permitted. The permit2ed driveways include the Colby Avenue <br /> �riveway near the north property line, the 4oyt Avenue drive�ay, and cne <br /> 91st Sueet drivevay/alley. (SEPA Transportation Policies) <br />