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i. <br /> .. �. <br /> �� 6. The Traffic Enqineer �uat review and approve the conatruction entrance to <br /> � the site. (SEPA Traneportation Policiee) <br /> • 7, All deliverie• of suppliea �uat be made during McDonalda' off peak hours <br /> to prevent delivery vehiclea from conflicting with pesk traftic flowa to <br /> the site. fSEPA Tranaportation Policies) <br /> • 8. Parking muat be per City 2oninq Code and City Deaign and Conatruction <br /> Standarde and per the Parking Study by Entranco Enqineers dated , January <br /> 26, 1988. For the 19,391 aquare feet propoeed, a ninimum of 92 parkinq <br /> stalls are required. cThis is in excesa of tAe Shopping Center 2oning <br /> Code requirement of 72 epacee - one apace for each 200 equarc feet of <br /> groas floor area. ) In addition handicapped parking m�at be provided per <br /> Section 7503 of the Washington State Rulea and Requlations for Barrier <br /> Free Requirementa. Coneon parking and accese easeeent aqree�eents muat be <br /> provided for all of tt�e ueea on the eite. (SEPA Traneportation Policiea> <br /> • 9. Specific tenanta for the remainder of the ehoppinq center have not been <br /> defined. Faet food reetauranta qenerally have a areater parking demand <br /> than other uses of ahopping aenters. So enaure that adequate parking is <br /> provided, no uaere with parkinq denand greater than the 1 atall par 200 •f <br /> parking requireRent can be located in the ..-^Pinder of the ahopping <br /> area unlea■ a detailed parking atudy ie c ' :eted which ehows th�t <br /> adeauate parking is or will be provided. The�• u�ea include food <br /> releted uaee, reataurants, taverna, and tecreation or healeh club <br /> facilitiea. All uaea in the ahopping center must be reviewed and <br /> approved Sy the Planning Departnent prior to occupancy af the building�. i <br /> (SEPA Traneportation Policiea) <br /> • 10. AV� APbetween 40th 5t.Tesndr4latoSteSttoPprovidebfordatandardtlanenaidthaY <br /> tSL•PA Transportation Policies) <br /> * ll. A six foot tall solid, aight obscuring fence must be provided along the <br /> north property line adjacent to the reaidentially zoned property. Except <br /> that the fence will be prohibited acrosa the alley and 20 feet back froe <br /> the aidewalks on Colby Ave, and Hoyt Ave. , to provide for adequate eiaht <br /> diat?.nce for traffic enterinq from and exiting co Colby A�e. and Hoyt <br /> Ave. (SEPA Land and Shoreline Uae Policiea) <br /> 12. The applicant shall provide a unified aigning plan for the entire aite. <br /> This plan shall be reviewed and approved by the Planning Department. One <br /> free on-premiae pole sign and one free standing ground sign are <br /> a:lowed for the entire aite. The size of the pole sign shall be limited <br /> to one hundred feet on a aide and ahall be no greater than 25 feet in <br /> height above final grade. The ground aign ahall be no greater thaiound <br /> feet in height and 100 5feet on each aide. One additional g AVe <br /> aign/directional entrance sign will be peroitted at the Colby <br /> driveway. Thia aign Will be limited to 8 feet in height and 50 sf per <br /> side. All other aigna shall he attached to the buildinga and shall not <br /> exceed the height of the roof of the building. None of the signs shall be <br /> animated or illuminated by intermittent liqht sourcea. Any readerboarde <br /> must be incorporated into a single ground or buildin� sign for the <br /> entire site. No free standing readerboarde Will be permitted. (SEPA <br /> Land and Shoreline Use Policies) , <br />