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March 8, 2012 <br />PUBLlC WO/�/C5 <br />THOMPSO�� FAMILY HOLDINGS LLC <br />2506 VIEW CREST AVE <br />EJEREfT N'� 98203 <br />Subject: Additional Bac�Cflow Prevention Requirements for City uf Evere[t site address: <br />7100 EVERGREEN WAY <br />Dear Property Owi . , . <br />The protection of thc City oi Everett water system from potential private astomer hazards is a <br />Wasfiington State Department of Health (DOH) requirement and you are being notified by the City of <br />Everett, the water purveyor for the building address listed in the subject !ine above, that construction <br />upgr�les are required for your property vrhen there are modifications required to the sprinkler system, <br />based on Future construction or change of use. It is important to us and to our customers that the pubiic <br />water system delivers high quality potable water in all cases. <br />City of Everett records indicate that [his building is served by a 4-inch single checic-valve. A double check <br />detector is required by the ��ate of Washington for commercial fire services. To comply with state <br />requirements, the ciry requires the upgrade of the single check-valve to a double check detector <br />assembly when lhe commerciil building sprinkler system is modified through the city permit process. <br />Please be advised that th� cit/ requires this upgrade as a part of building or sprinkler permit application <br />for the portion oF the building served by the wrrent single check valve. <br />As the owner of this assembly, you are required to mafntain it and improve it as necessary• Following is <br />Che list of contacts that you can use to clarify how this requirement to upgrade to a DCDA will impact <br />your property: <br />. If y^�• have questions regarding building or sprinkler permit requirements and the City of <br />Everetl Design and Construction Standards for the location of the DCDA (vault or <br />interior), please contact Meg Haley by e-mail at mhalev(�ci or by phone <br />at 425-257-8813. <br />. If you have questions regarding the fire service and coordination of the new DCDA with <br />the sprinkler system and Fire Department requirements, please contact Assistant Fire <br />Marshal Jim Venturo by e-mail at iventuro a ci or by phone at 425-257- <br />8124. <br />If you have questions regarding the cross-connection requirements or �vould like to <br />schedule a field visit regardin9 the current cross-connection on this building, please <br />contact Tim Markham by e-mail at tmarkham(� or by phone at 425-Z57- <br />8833. <br />CITY OF EVERETT • 3200 Cedar Street • Everett, WA 98201 •(425) 257-8800 • Fax (425) 257-8882 <br />