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The Washingtc�i State Department oF Heallh (DOH) cross connection regulations require water <br />purveyors, such as Evereft, to maintain saFe drinking water by taking precautions to ensure that Fre <br />protection water in both commercial and residential sprinkier systems does not backflow into tl�e pubiic <br />system. In the past, single check valves were considered as an adequate backflow device for commerdal <br />properties. However, DOH has determined that double check detector assemblies (DCDA) are the <br />minimum acceptable back(low protection device for commercial fire protection systems•raded to a <br />cominercial buildings in Everekt sCill have single check-valves installed, which now must be upg <br />add�tionarl pro[ection isfneces alry t adl e e o DOHtregu'lationsland easu etsafe drink 9 Wate ices. This <br />Sincerely, <br />� ��.�� �, <br />Tim Markham, WQ�� <br />Cross Connection Specialist <br />��; permit Services Manager Paul McKee, Assistant Fire Marshal Jim Venturo, Utilities Recerds Manager <br />Verl Siy, Meg Haley <br />CITY' OF EVERETT • 3200 Cedar Street • Everett, WA 98201 •(425) 257-8800 • Fax (425) 257-8882 <br />