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INFORMATION FOR DEVEI.OPER: <br />City streets and alleys are to be Icept clear of dirt and debris at all <br />times during construction. Du9t supression and street cleaning must <br />occur as directed by the Public Works Inspector. <br />2. Performance guarantaes are required for street improvements i�n <br />Evergreen Way and Campus Par{cway. <br />3• A ene year guarantee is rec,uir� on the public improvements (and site <br />landscaping, if applicable) for an amount not less than 10� of tho cost <br />of construction and shall run for one year from the date of final <br />approval/iss4ance of the first Occupancy Perc�it for the project (note <br />one). <br />4. A two yFar guarantee is required for private retention/detention or <br />other drainage treatment/abatement facilities serving areas larger than <br />one acre. <br />5• On-site watermain will be staked within an easement to the City. Tne <br />easement wili be submitted to the City prior to issuanee of permits. <br />6. As-builts of storm sewer, sanitary sewer, and water systems will be <br />required to be sub�aitted per City design and construction standards and <br />specifications. <br />7. Permits are requirad for the destination of f'ill material taken of: the <br />site. <br />8. If the applicant choosea to develop this project as one parcel With the <br />eliminaticn of the division of property� he may do so with all <br />conditions in this approval applying except = �nd 7. <br />-4- <br />