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1;,3�c��ad� <br />iAN 9 1987 <br />BOAR') OF ADJUSTMENT CITY OF EVERETT <br />FINDINGS, jONCLUSIONS AND ORDER Punc Works Dept. <br />VARIANCE NO. 45-86 <br />Based upon the writ`.-.n request for a variance from the City's zvning code by: <br />Normal, Schulz <br />2518 Taylor Dr. <br />Everett, WA 98201 <br />hereinafter referred to as "Applicant," for a variance from E.M.C. <br />19.12.050(B), Side Yards, tc allow: Construction of a single family <br />dwelling that would be 5 feet 6 inches from the south side lot line fond 5 <br />feet from the north side lot line inztead of the 7 feet 6 inches required by <br />Code. <br />on the following described property <br />Lot 4, Plat of Edgemoor Heights <br />The Board of Adjustment, following a public hearing on said application held <br />on J-nuary 5, 1987, and furt'.ier having reviewed all testimony, makes the <br />following Findings, Conclusions and Order: <br />FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS: <br />1. That there ha•:e been exceptional or extraordinary circumstances or <br />conditions applying to the subject property or as to the intended use <br />thereof that do not apply generally to other properties in the same <br />vicinity or zone. <br />Finding: The buildable area of this lot is restricted by the <br />topography which drops off to a ravine approximately 90 feet west of <br />the front property line, and the lot configuration which has a width <br />of approximately 58 feet at the front and approximately 125 feet <br />where tha ravine begins. <br />The lot is relatively flat and more suited to a rambler than a split <br />level or tri-level. A smaller house could be placed on the lot; <br />however, it would not be as complementary to the neighborhood since <br />the other homes being built are quite substantial. <br />In order to leave some useable rear yard area, the house cannot be <br />set further to the rear where the lot is wider as it would be too <br />close to the edge of the ravine. <br />Conclusion: There are exceptional and extraordinary circumstances <br />applying to this property that do not generally apply to ether <br />properties in the vicinity and zone. <br />2. That such variance is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of <br />a substantial property right of the appellant possessed by the owners <br />of other properties in the same vicinity or zone. <br />Finding: The plat of Edgemoor Heights and the adjoining plat of <br />Crestwood have some severe topographic problems and setback variances <br />have been granted to owners of other lots in this area. <br />Conclusion: The variance is necessary for the preservation and <br />enjoyment of a substantial property right of the appellant possessed <br />by the owners of other properties in the vicinity. <br />