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3. That the authorization of such variance will not be materially <br />detrimental to the public -•'fare or injurious to property in the <br />vicinity or zone in which the property is located. <br />Finding: Public Works had no comment on this variance request and it <br />does not appear that it would block any views. <br />Conclusion: The authorization of the variance will not be <br />detrimental to the public we'.fare or injurious to property in the <br />vicinity or zone. <br />4. That the granting of such variance will no; adversely affect the <br />Comprehensive General Plan. <br />Finding: The Comprehensive Plan designation is single family <br />residential. <br />Conclusion: The proposed use is single family and will be in <br />compliance with the Comprehensive Plan. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, the Board of Adjustment of the City of Everett does <br />hereby order that the variance to allow a 5 foot 6 inch south side setback <br />and 5 foot north side setback be GRANTED and further require tho applicant <br />to meet the following conditions. <br />1. Obtain all necessary Building and Public Works permits. <br />The action of the Board of Adjustment in GRANTING a variance shall be <br />final and conclusive, unless within fifteen (15) days from the date of <br />issuance and signing of this order by the Chairman of the Board, an <br />aggrieved person or persons obtains a writ of certiorari from the Superior <br />Court of Washington for Snohomish County for the purpose of review of the <br />action taken. <br />DATED thin 6th day off January , 1986. <br />Chairman, Board of Adjustment <br />Notes to ADDlicant: <br />1. If a building permit is not obtained within one year from the above <br />date, the Board's decision shall cease to be effective. Prior to the <br />expiration date, a written request for a six-month extension may be <br />submitted to the Planning Director. <br />2. A copy of this order must be submitted by the Applicant when applying <br />for building permits. <br />360OF <br />