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1206 SE EVERETT MALL WAY 2018-01-01 MF Import
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1206 SE EVERETT MALL WAY 2018-01-01 MF Import
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i�i SNOHOMISH <br />— HEALTH <br />DISTRICT <br />�"-'�, <br />( )ctobcr '.'_'OUS <br />lav I)c�rcd <br />'_�OG ^_ i'�' C'l. SG <br />Lace�'. N�A 98503 <br />Subjccl: Propused. I��amous Dave's. 130A I:verett Mall N�ay, Gvcrett <br />I lcar ��h'. Do�vcd: <br />ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION <br />302D Hucke� Avenue, Suite 104 <br />Everett, WA 98201-3900 <br />425.339.5250 FAX:425.339.5254 <br />Deaf/Hard of Hearing: 4?_5.339.5252 (TTY) <br />� 1 i; 7�f <br />1'otu' reviscd pluns, roceived Scptembcr'_'3, 3005 vin enwil. L•avc bcen re��ic�vcd �cilh thc Rulcs and Keeul;uii�rs <br />nf thc S„dc [3nnrd of I�Icahh. �md �vith tlic policics of thc Snuhomish I lc.ilth Disu�ict. N�ith tlic addi�ion of ihc <br />I i�llowing cunditiuns, lhc pi:ms :u•c :ippru��ed. <br />I. "I�hc I Icalth Dislric� operating permii application proccss musl bc cumplc�ed prior to opcnim� for businc,s. <br />'1'his I'acilil�' ��ill bc cl:issilicd :�s a high risl< resl:iin•ant �rilli scats and n cud:tail lounhc. Plcatic nulc ticit <br />ihc permit fccs ��ill ch;uigc November 1, 2011R. r\I7cr Nu��embcr I, 20U8 this I:icilih will bc rl:issi�icd as a <br />hi�h risl: csl:iblisluucnt �cilh scals.'1'hc sr.rtin� cuunt �rill iucludc :ill luun�c sr.�tin�. <br />3. An indircct ��usic drain is rcyuircd �i�r thc fiiod prcparalinn sinl:. thrcc-comparuncnt sinis, mcch.mical <br />dish��ashers, ice nuichine. pup dispenscr, running ��atcr dipper «cll. ste:un t�ible. �vall:-in refri�_cration, and <br />am� cyuipmcn� iu �vhich food or fuod contnct cquipmcnt is pl�iced. <br />;. ;1 rcduccd pressure bacl;ilou� prcvcn�ion device is required at the end of the copper �vater pipe sen�ine the pop <br />dispensin� systcm prior to thc carbonation device. No copper pipe or other potentialll' �orrosive materi.d is <br />allo�ced al�.er �he reduced pressure b;�cl:flo�v prever ion cle�-ice. <br />!. (�nl�� une fuod prcpara�ion sinl: is indica[ed on lhe (loor plan. This sinl:, item #>3 per our telcphanc <br />eum�crs�ui��n of Septem6er 20, 2003, is the �e��e�able preparauon sinl:. As such onl�� vegelable prepamtion <br />�� ill b� allu��-cd a� this sinlc. no rinsin� or tha�� im.! undcr runnin�s �vaicr of ri�� mcat. poultry. and or senfood <br />��ill he alle�ced ���ilhuul Ihe inst.illatiun of a separ�uc fuod prepur;uion sinl:. If inetalled. the location of um' <br />uddition�il f�ud prcpar;uiun must bc appruved priur to inst;dlation. <br />�. .�n undcr bar hand�vash sinl< is indica�cd al lhc bur. Undcr bar (or countcr) hand�rash sinls are not acccptablc. <br />I hc liandwash sinlc must be inslallcd in ;i numncr �hat promotes proper acccssibili�l' to thc handw�+sh sinl: <br />basiu nnd faucets'. <br />6 A horizontal separalion of at Icast IG iuches or a�cilical parlition Ifi inches in hcigh� is required bct���een �hc <br />food prep;irtui�n sinl: and all othcr sinl's and or suurccs of cont�unination. <br />\ horironlal sep�u�ntion of at Icast I G inchcs or a vcrtical pv�tition IG inches in heieht is roquired behvcen thc <br />h:ind��;ish sinls and :dl food prcparatiun �ircas. <br />S ,1 hurizonlal separa�ion of.0 Icast IG inchcs or a vertir�l pailition IG inches in height is requirccl beh�'een <br />Ji;ho�ashing ;ircas and all food prcp:iration arcas. <br />�I. AV�atcr licatcn musl he u�'suflicicnt sirc lo providc hol w;itcr lo dish�vasher .md/or scullcn� sinl:s and at Ihc <br />samc limc pruvidc hot �ca�cr to nll hand�eash sinl:s. <br />I i�. I In( ��atcr must bc �i�.iilnblc tu all hand�vnsli sinl:s �rilhin I i scconds.'fhc hot �vatcr for thc facilitv must not <br />bc used, ai nm plumbin�: fixture, for a minimum of (i homs prior tu the preuperitional inspcction. This is <br />raquired so Ih�u pruper testing of the I>�second time mquiremeni fi�r hut ���nter uvailnbility can be completcd. <br />I I :AII fuud scrricc equipincnL hoth nc�v and usal, musl bc lislcd b�� thc rA'alirmal.Sunitu�iun fFuu�rdntiun (NSI�I <br />�,,r cquiculcnt for iis intcndcd usc. Uscd ;�.nd nc��� refri�craiion must bc capablc of holding potcntinlh� <br />Lu�arduus food ;u d i°P or bclo�c. <br />I'. 1_�va �rall protcctiou ia rcquircd ou ���:ills bchind :dl sinl:s, induding resu�oum hand���ush sinl:s. and R�od <br />pr�paratiun cuuntci:� �md in6lcs A IG-inch higli b:rol:spl;ish of plustic Inminatc. tibcrgl�iss-rcinfurccd pl�istic or <br />�yunl i, �icce�n:ihle. .� bncl:spiash higher �h;in 1G inchrs is rrquircd un the �vnll behind counter top cyuipinenl <br />iulle; ticui I(� iir.l�,c> i 1u�x w crilin� prulcctinn is rcyuired on thu ����II bchir.d dish�c:ishcrs. A1';ill protcciion <br />hcl�,;:�.', ni���, tinl ,1 n�u,t e„� er Ihc cntire s��l;uh i��nr. I'Inslic eunlr�l hardhutu'd is not acccptablc. <br />( ��a, <br />
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