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Suhject�. I'rupnscd. I�umons Uucr�s. I�US I'.��crclt Aiall AV';n. f'.��crctt <br />Ucluhu� �. �'OUS <br />I'tec' <br />13. :111 Iluoi�s in Ihc I:ilchcn, liiucl prcp��ratiun, li�od scn�ica liwd sli�r:iic. uud �lish��;itihin, arcas mutit be ,url:isd <br />�cith .i dwablc, nonubsurbcnt. casil�� cicanablc m:ucrial. I:�pansion juints. sc�ims, sa��� cuu and thc li6c in <br />cuncrcle Ilrurs in aIl arcas. induding euslomer scating arcas, musi be filled nnd senled so as lo pro��idc .i <br />smooth anci cicnn��blc surfacc. <br />Id. 'fhc cciling above thc fond preparaliou arcas must be non-perforated, nun�ibsorbcn�. sinooth aml cn�ih� <br />dcan�iblc. <br />I5. �II IiftM li�tures in foud prepur:ition and storugc arcas must bc provided ���ith covcrs or shaucrproof bnl6�. <br />Flut liold unit hcai I�unps musl 6c provided �� ith shaucrproof bulbs. <br />I G. Plumbing must mcct statc nnd loril codes. <br />17. I'lie ��entilation system shall he installed and operated to mect applicahle building, mcchanicaL and fire cudes. <br />IS. Picasc notc Ihai no ovcr night cool:ing of fnod is nllu���cd without proper monitoring cquipmeut nnd pre- <br />approval frum Ihc hcallh disu'icl. <br />19. 'fhc menu submiticd indicates that the 'All American f3[3Q Pcast' ��ill bc served on a garbagc can lid. <br />Garba��c can lids arc not allmved for dirccl lood contact unlcss the lids arc NSI� or equiv,ilent listcd. <br />Ducument;uiun of this listing mus� be proeidcd prior to npproval for use tor direci food contacL Addilionall�� <br />all �i�od equipment and direc� fuod contact equipmcnUsurfaces must bc dcanable. <br />:1 prcuperntiunal inspec�iun is required priur tu oper:ilin�; permit issu:mcc :�nd :�pproval tu upen fur <br />business. AI ihe time of inspecti�,n the constructiun of Ihe food sen�ice esl.iblishment must be complete and all <br />cyuipn:ent must be in place �md in proper operating cundition. Incumplete construction or equipmeni uper.uion <br />ma�� result in a�+I(0.(1l1 rcinspcction fer,. Requcsts for a prcuper:diunal iuspcction nn�st bc rcccired at Icasl <br />onc �cccl: in ad�:mcc uf lhc d�rtc bcim; rcqucsled fur thc inspccliun. Cont:icl thc I�ood 1'rogram uflicc :i <br />minimum uf une wecl: in ad�vnce fu sched�de an appuinhucnl for the prcoper:rtiunal inspection. 'fhc <br />prcopernional inspcetion will ensurr cumpliance �+�ith the Itnles and Re �ulations of the State f�oard of Flcalth �ix <br />Poud Ser��icc SaniLilion. <br />Chan�es or additions to �he approvcd plan; or equipment rcquire prc-nppro�.il frum the $�iohnmieh Ilcalth <br />Uisirict prior to iinplemcin+rtion of thc chan�us. <br />Plcasc contaci mc if� you lia��c um� qucstions. A-I�� uflicc numbcr is -1��.;;9.>�'�0 t�nd m�� cm;�il address is <br />rho�ip��:r:shdsnnhumish.���o.!��,��. <br />Sinccrcl)'• / <br />� / / �\ <br />�lt,���: n;�i,i,;.r�`.j.�!/�� <br />Ilm�ironincnt;:i I b:tvfili S�,ccinlist <br />kl I/sm <br />linclosurr: Pu��d ��si�ihlislinicn� u��er;ninL ��rrmit ;i����liru;i,�n ;in�l (cc shcdul��. <br />�r: City uf l'vcrc�t Buildinr Departmcm <br />P��erclt Oflirc AVashin�lon Si;ur Liquur Contrul I3o:�rJ <br />lohn IS. Princc ����ncr <br />a�a <br />