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TkiEA'f El2 llEVELOPMENT <br />TTBfI1G <br />As ehown previoucly in 7'able 2, the 9 screen r,on[iqw:Rtion LhenLer will <br />generate 216 tripa during the nfternoon peak hour. Hecnuee of the local.ion ot <br />the thealer on the siLe (see Fi�ure 3�, il is usawned LhnL nll theater Lrn[fic <br />will enter the wit.e using the reconfigured weat drivewny. Fi�;w•e 4 showa 6he <br />rouLing of these CriPe on the neighboring atreet syetem. 7'his level o[ Lraffic <br />wi❑ be readily u6sorbed bl' the eLreet network. <br />The remnining concerna expressed by CiLg etnfC center around creating �tn <br />intern¢I circulation system LhnL will: <br />7.. Improve the existing oftice park circul¢6ion end Iny the Kroundwork for <br />the signalization of the drivewny located immediaLely wesL of Duilding 2. <br />2. Provide easy eccess tor Ll�eater paLrons. <br />7'he proposed eite Plun (see Figures 3 and 3A) deuls with lhose issues in the <br />tollowing mnnner: <br />1. The proposed theuler 'site pian wi❑ relocate the west drivew+�,r� <br />inlo the buainees pnrlc nway from the Dniry R�ieen, which will renult in <br />decreased driver contusion and improved traCfic flow. 7'lie existinq drivewLy <br />musL remnin to service Lhe Dniry R�ieen, buL will 6e properly idenlified Lhru <br />signing. If the owners of Lhe Uniry Qucen agree, i�ccesu to Lheir f¢cilily will <br />be provided oCf the relocated bueiness park drivewey. <br />2. T6e rebcnLed driveway wili ulign wiLh lhe lhealer and provide patrons <br />with un intidLive Lrnf[ic flow path to Lhe theater. 7'he relocaLed driveway will <br />be wnsLructed as n two ]ane access (one Inne in and one lane out) so that it <br />will noL increase the cnpacity from Chat exiatinR and further sCrengthen the <br />Lravel desire to use Cuture developed mujor access points. <br />3. 1'he plan provides [or sLrong e¢nt-west travel carridors within the siLe <br />which will nllow good tra:tic Clow to eithm• the NLure siqnnlized drivewry or <br />access onto 7Lh Avenue and West Mall Urive. <br />Ec' trltinS <br />'Che EvereLt Zoning Cade reyuiren one parking apnce for each 5 senta in Lhe <br />Lhenter, or All parking spaces. 7'he proposal will add 66 pnved Parking <br />spnces to the existing aupply which in wel! in excesec of r.xisLing code <br />requiremente. Since lhe pe¢k pnrking demnnd for U�r. officrF nnd Lhe <br />�vill hnve little overinp, lhe Rupp1Y wf�� be more thnn snffi��innl., Upun <br />cotnpleLion of lhe LhenLer� Lhe site will htive 1146 pnrlcing spuces. <br />