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6. Grantor does release, indemnify and promise to defend and save <br /> harmleaa the City, its officera, employees and agents from and against any and <br /> • <br /> all liability, loss, damage, expense, actions and claios, including costs and <br /> reasonable attorney's fees incurred by the City, ite officers, employees and <br /> agents in defense thereof, asserting or arising directly or indirectly on <br /> account of or out of Grantor's use or activity on/in the above-described <br /> easement; provided, howaver, thia par.agraph does not purport to indemnify the <br /> City against liability for damages arising out of bodily in�ury to persons or <br /> damages to property caused by or resulting from the sole negligence of the <br /> City, its officers, employees and agents. <br /> 7, The Grantor also covenants to and aith the City that Crantor is <br /> lawfully seized and possessed of the land aforesaid; has a good and lavful <br /> right and power to sell and convey same; that same is free and clear of <br /> ' encumbrances, except as above indicated; and that Grantor Will forever warrant <br /> and defend the titla to said easement and the quiet posseasion thereof againat <br /> the lawful claims and demands of all persons vhomsoever. <br /> 8, Grantor agreea that the rights and obligations of the Grantor and City <br /> ahall inure to tha benefit of and be binding upon their respective heirs, <br /> auccessors and assigns. <br /> 9. � <br /> Other: _ <br /> -4- <br /> �`5 U � � 2U061 ypL � OO4PAGEO g96 <br /> cso, <br />