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3, Grantor hereby authotizes City to cut, trim and remove any and all <br /> brush� CLeE6, other vegetation oz debris upon the easement and the right o <br /> • <br /> access for such purposes. Grantor also authorizes the City to cut, trim and <br /> remove any and all brush, trees, other vegetation and debris on Grantor's <br /> property �+hich, in the City's reasonable jud�ent, constitutea a hazard to the <br /> easement and the right of access for such purposes. <br /> 4, The Gtantor agrees that title to all brush, trees, other vegetation or <br /> debris trimmed, cut and removed from the easement pursuant to this Agreement, <br /> and also all brush, trees, other vegetation or debris trimmed, cut and removed <br /> from Grantor's land pursuant to this Agreement is vested in the City, and that <br /> the consideration paid for conveying said easement and rights herein deecribed <br /> is accepted as full compensation for all damage8 incidental to the exeYcise of <br /> any of aaid rights. <br /> 5, 3n the event Grantor places any improvements on the easement or <br /> constructs anything on the easement without first having obtained the written <br /> approval of the City Engineer, the Grantor shall cease all such activity and <br /> remove any and all i.mprovements placed thateon Without the written agreement <br /> of the City Engineer. In the event Grantor fails to obtain prior approval, <br /> Grantor hereby authorizes the City to semove any and all improvements placed ' <br /> or constructed thereon and hold the City, ita officers, employees and agents <br /> harmlesa from damage caused to said improvementa from removal thereof. <br /> Grantor further agrees to pay the City for any and all costs incurred by the <br /> City in removing the improvements. This zight is in addition to any other <br /> right the City may ha�''- at lav or in equity. <br /> . <br /> -�- <br /> 9502 220061 VOI. � OO4P�GEOS9� <br /> �50, <br />