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• �,1 DAVID L. NELSON AND ASSOCIATES, INL. <br />Consulting Engineering Geology <br />• July 13, 1990 - <br />Project No. 9490 <br />• Page 2 <br />Olive Street, and the south side of Temple Drive, in the city of Everett, <br />Washington. <br />Presently, the site is undeveloped, but has been the scene of some past <br />•• clearing, grading and earthwork activity. The site is highest along Olive <br />Street, and slopes gently to moderately to steeply down from the west to the <br />east and north. The site are> is primarily covered with blackh3rry vines, <br />grass and a few scattered deciduous trees. <br />SOILS CONDITIONS <br />The subsurface soils stratigraphy can best be seen on the enclosed test pit <br />logs. In general, we found the area to be underlain by glacial deposits and <br />•� interglacial deposits. The glacial deposits consist of glacial till and with <br />the interglacial deposits being finer grained sandy silt and silt. These <br />interglacial deposits are interpreted as the Whidbey Formation. Fill was <br />., found over portions of the site, with the thicker deposits being in the <br />vicinity of TP-1, TP-1 a TP-5, and thinner fill areas in the vicinity of TP-6, <br />TP-7 and TP-S. <br />1 <br />The basal rative soils encountered were found to -consist of grey -brown to <br />• grey, medium dense to stiff and very dense to very hard, silty fine sand and <br />fine sandy silt, with scattered sand lenses, considered the Whidbey Formation. <br />These deposits were encountered in all test pits except TP-7, and at depths of <br />below about 2.5 to 7 feet below the ground surface. The Whidbey soils were <br />found to typically exhibit a weathered zone of about 2 to 1 feet thick, and <br />composed of orange -brown to grey -brown, loose to medium dense and stiff, silty <br />sand and sandy silt, and poorly sorted silty sand and poorly sorted sand. <br />Glacial till, composed of grey -brown to grey, dense, poorly sorted silty sand <br />with gravel, was encountered at depth in TP-7. <br />1. <br />The surficial soils encountered across: the site area were found to consist of <br />fill and native surface soils. Beneath the fill, and native organic• topsoil <br />layers, we ercountered a strata consisting of about 2 to 2.5 feet of brown to <br />