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,. „ <br />ALLEGATIONS OF APPLICANT <br />POINT 1. .The_following are the special circumstances which apply , <br />to mg property which deprive me of rights and privileges which are <br />enjoyed by other properties in the vicinity under the identical <br />zone classification. ___._ ..... ._..__..__._... <br />-- —�"z��1Cn .C��r-r� 71.�.�= =l/,, Tn��`. ��� � �tr'<_�/,/�-,_,�i�� � <br />v <br />i � . e� n _ . .. . .. , n _ <br />POINT 2. The variance I am requesting will not be detrimental to <br />the public welfare or injurious to the properties or improvemerits <br />in the vicinity of a zone in which my property is located because: <br />L��-C� �-�fX� .�=` f�.�i 1-2�(iL�!-L_� ��7L-,r� fh-t ._-�f�J�f L�-z°_L.`-f��..�1-C��t—rf�li�i�-!X�'Y . <br />POINT 3. If this variance is not granted, an unnecessary hardship <br />will contiaue to the owner of this property, the cause of which is <br />be,yond his control because: <br />___ _'. .i�t1C . � MG-wL <br />POINT 4. So as_not to grant a special privilege to me by the granting <br />of this variance I submit the following conditions Lo be imposed so <br />as not to cause inconsistencies with the limitat-ions upon other <br />properties in the vicinity and zone in which I am located. <br />{ <br />.c_ <br />�r �-f 1� / .t (/ i1�1 t i L�iL c„e�1�-� �-! -Lt,°-z'Ze -/--.�i �"�c-" e L!_ -9 %. /LI� G'� <- <br />� �, <br />// � �' � �% .� <br />,. i ' C v' P , �..0 i--P--t-t 'C ��. � . / t-` -7Y -r-4 i/` „�,t _ c � ! C . ��f _�'. e' - �_.(-I. � %! �i' - <br />/�� i'-� ���, -1 /_ .I'."/' r � �/'� �.l f- i—�( <br />