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1507 W MUKILTEO BLVD 2016-01-01 MF Import
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1507 W MUKILTEO BLVD 2016-01-01 MF Import
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E►i�ci� O. �r��;�r�zc �N� Assoc►aTEs, INc. <br />I Enyineers and Consultants <br />18530 7Gth Avenue IVesl, Suite 6 Edmonds, WA 98026 425-771�F7.% <br />0236 <br />\1r. Rick Ncuman <br />l3:ihbit Ncuman Cunstrac�inn C�imp�m� <br />P.O. 13oa 8R1040 <br />213 N'ilkes Sircct <br />Stcilucoom, NA 983RR <br />SuhjccC Sitc Dcvclopmcni I'laiu ti�r I i11n Mukiltcu I.�mc <br />Dcar Mr. Ncuman: <br />FAX 425•'775- <br />Pchruan� •1. ?00? <br />A�tachcd lo �his Icllcr :irc Ihc dcsign dra��ings Ibr �hc civil cnginccring purtiun uf puur slwrl plaL 'I'hc Jn�sings <br />cunsist ofGl.'I'cmpnnry I:roSion anJ ScJiment Control Pi:m: G2. Paving I'lan: C-3. Urading/Dninagc I'lan: anJ <br />C-�t. Watcr and Sewcr Scrvice Plan. <br />fhc city sta(T has indica�cd �hat no dcicn�ion is rcquircJ for lhis short plal if it can ln sho�rn th;u thc c�isting city <br />diainage system has ihe capacity to accmnmoda�e �uluro gro�cll� in the contributing sen^ce arca. I he coNributinc <br />scrvicc arca i.� 9.1 arcas and is boundcd b� a ycllow linc un �hc anachcd map. Thi, Icucr and �hc auachcJ <br />rdculations ducwncnt our anulysis uf thc ciry dr.�inagc systcm. <br />Currcnlly. lhcrc is .m c�isling calch basin loca�cd at thc guUcr linc ol' Mukiltco I.:mc ncar thc northo'cst cnmcr ol <br />puur sitc. "I'hcrc is a I'_-inch dnin lhal comcs from lhc south that crosses thc tvcs��m icn (cct ol � uur silc. l hc pipc <br />collccis runotl' Gom 3 lots in ihc Ma�n�rd tihnrt Plat lo lhc soulh of �our silc and 2 lols �iom thc Juncaro Shorl Plai <br />south ofyour si�c. In .iddition, i1 picks up runo(1' I�um 2 othcr lots that are south of thesc short plats. Ali nf ihcsc lats <br />are idenlificd on thc m:�p auachcJ tu Ihis Icucr as lots .i-013. 3-03d. 3-038. 3-039 3-OdO. 3-Od2, anJ 3-Od3. Yuur <br />sitc is idcn�i�icd as lots 3-Od I and 3-045. Lot 3-044 is yaur ncighbor to ihe east. <br />Your sire, your ncighhor's lot �o the casi and Ihe other Iots furthcr east, identitied as lots 3-DI7, 3-018. 3-021. 3-0_"_. <br />and 3-030. currentlq are not connected to the city spstem throu�h a pipe system. Runol7' I}om �ill of these sites <br />curretnly Jischargcs to thc catch hasin iJen�ilicd ahuvc b�� shect �u��' lo hlukil�eo I.ane and �hen guuer ilo�v �o thr <br />catch basin. <br />Frum this catch batiin. [hc city s�stcm tmvcls �ccst in a 12-inch pipc luc:ucd on dic south sidc of Mukiltco lanc (or <br />nppru�imatrl�� 2G8 lict In anothcr catch basin. At this poinL .� G-incli pipc from the south�rest and :� �l-incli pipc <br />Gom ihc snuth enicr thr catch b.�s��,. niaro���i, �,o� �:�,���„ r�� S��n. �� �5 p��s���»«i �i�,u a,�s� n�i,�s �ou��� n��,on� o-�,�» <br />Ihc lots iJentilieJ as lots +•Oi5 anJ 3-OOS. 7hese Iu1s an: currently devclopeJ. Luts 3-010, 4-002 and d-010 arc <br />ain'enlly undeveluped anJ runoll' Gom Uicse lots shecl Ilows �u Mukipco I�me. Lols 3-Ol I. 3•01? anJ 3-Old arc <br />dceelopeJ and prcsumahly disclmrge �o this seconJ catch basin by shect Ilow. <br />Kunofl' from this scconJ catch basin tra�cls through a I_'-inch pipe to the nunh unJcr i�lukiltco Lane and discharges <br />uvcr thc bank in a buu-�reldcJ, smnoih-wallcd. 12-inch pal�cihylcnc pipc lo thc ditch on the south sidc ol'thc <br />Burlinglon Nurlhcm nilroad tncks, I'rom ihcrc. Ihc nmofl'tnvcls r.�sl in thc Ji1ch fiir appro�imatcly thrcc hundreJ <br />Icet whcre it discharges to a creck that is carricJ under Uie r,iilroaJ tracks in a 3-foot Jiameter pipc tu th� Sound. <br />I he lucation o0�the dninaEc system is sho�vn on the auacheJ map. <br />r�� p„m�s�5 �r:,�,.�iy���,, �he capacil� o( Ihe pipe undcr Mu6il�co I.ane, i[ ��'as presumed lhal all uf the coniributing <br />arca bounded by Ihe �ello��� line slwwn ion thc attached map will some day be connected �o this pipe b}' ol'a <br />piped dninage systcm. All unJevcloped bis (3•010. d-002 and d•010):md devcluped lots 3-017. 3-OIS, 3-021, 3- <br />u_'2 and 3-030 werc presumeJ w ultimalely devclop at ;i densil)' of 3.6 J��'elling units per acre. This is probahly a <br />cun,crva�i�c rs�imaic, bid it is cansistcN ��ith thc dcnsitp of Uic Jung;iro nnJ Ma}narJ Short Plats. Using this <br />assumpiion and adding thc numher u(pntcntial hmisu to ihose currcndy devcloped resul�s in an idtimatc Jensiiy of <br />�? hnuscs per 9J acres of cnmrihuting arca. Thm resulis in a Jcnsity of 3.5 d�nlling units �:r acm fur thc cntirc <br />1J <br />
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