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cunlriouling arcn. 'I�nblc 3??.d ol'Ihe Ain}; (]nrnh�.SurJurc H'ati�r Dcsi,�n ,llu�araf /99R (A'GSI4'D1/l. �vas uscd �o <br />cs�inude the amuunl of fuutre impervious arca. For a densiq uf 3.S UU/acre, an impervious covenge percentage of <br />38 was obtaincd. Multiplying tl�at rate by 9.I :icrcs results in nn estim;de of 3A63 acres of impervious area. The <br />reaming S.G37 acres will he pervious area. 'I'hese :icrcages ��'ere then inpm into �he l�in� ('ounrv Ruu�JjTrnie Sericc <br />modcl �o cstimatc thc pcak nino0' Irom Ihc comribuling arca. Thc resuhs of that analysis arc prcuntcd in thc <br />auachcd cnlculnlions. <br />Typically, municipal drainage syslems ;ire designed lo carry nmo0' Gom the "!$-ycar s�orni. 'I'he calcida�ions predic� <br />n nmolT nic of 3.19 cubic Icet per sccund (cls) li�r ihc 'S-ycar stunn. l hc runulT Irom lhc IUO-qcar storm is <br />projcc�cd to bc 4.51 cfs. <br />Thc IBSI �8�,1' O� llll` C:IIClIIO�lOI15 IS a nomocriph tiom iLc A'('.SII'D,1L It indic:ucs tha� thc capaci�y o( thc 12-inch <br />pipc thut dischargcs lo thc 13NRK ditch is •L6 cls. fhc condusinn of lhis analysis is ihat :il full dcvcl�pmcnt o( thc <br />coniributing arca, the existing city (IfH108�1' �I�l` IlIIS IIIC C��BI'1�y to accommodate all fuwre runoff u� thc 100-year <br />stonn. As a resolt, no dcicntiun systcm is propuscd for your short plat. <br />If yoa should hnvc amy qucstions, plcasc fccl frcc tu contact us. <br />Very W ly yours, <br />f_ItlCll O. TIGT'7.G AND ASSOCIATES, INC. <br />I:rich O.'I'icVc. 1'.li. <br />I'rcsidcN <br />�-1 <br />✓ <br />