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l <br /> 29. Parking must be per City 'Loning Code :md Ciq� Design and Construction Standards anct <br /> Specifications. A minimum of 1G paved, ufGstrect p.+rking spaces are reyuired. <br /> 30. A pedcslrian circulation system for the site must be approved hy the Planning Director and <br /> Traffic Engineer prior to the issuancc of any building permits. Walkways must allo�s� <br /> pedcsu�ians and whecichairs lo gain c�sy acccss from SICICN:III�S and bus stops to building <br /> entrances throueh the use of paths �vhich are physically separate�' from ��i���i� �a,rr� and <br /> mancuvering areas. (See the city's Design and Construction Standards and Specific.uiwis <br /> Manual and Seclion 39.l65 of tl�e Zoning Code.) <br /> 31. Placemcnt and screcuing of refuse disposal areas must be provided per Section 39.C�80 of thc <br /> 7oning Code :is follows: G�u•Uage receptacles, dumpsters, and recycle bins shall b_ provided <br /> �md shall no1 bc lucated in a required front setUack area. All garbage dumpsters and �ecvde bins <br /> must bc scrcencd from view from the strcet and from adjacent properties. 'I'his screcning m��; <br /> bo done using densc vegetation or Uy placing thc dumpster or recyde bin in a stnicwr.d <br /> cnclosurc. <br /> 32. Any rockeries or retaining �valls proposed in required setback areas must Ue in �onformancc <br /> n:'h Scction 3I.I50 oClhc '/.oning Codc. <br /> 33. 13uilding seibacks must he ,� minimum of 20 Peet from the front lot line, tive feet from tlie sidc <br /> lot lines, and 20 fcet from the re�v lot line. Building hcight sh.dl be a m:iximwn of 45 (ect, <br /> except that a maximum of�28 Iect is pennittecl within 50 fcet oC tlie rear lot linc. A modi(icatiun <br /> is proposed from the 20-foot front setback. Thc Pl;inning Director approved a reduccd front <br /> setback of l5 feet througl� a Review lt process with conditions. <br /> 34. L,mdscaping must be provided per Section 35 of the 'Loning Cocle. At a minimum Ihis mus� <br /> include thc (ollo�ving: <br /> a. r1 landsripe strip a mininwm of ten feel �eidc must be provided within the front setUack arca <br /> �ilong P.ainier Drive, except for the drivcway. 1'his .uca shall bc planted �vith 'I'Ype 1❑ <br /> landscaping. <br /> b. A landscape strip a minimum of five fect wide musl bc pro��i�led along the norlh and south <br /> lot lines. 'I'his ar�a �hall be planted �vith 7'Ype 111 landscaping. <br /> c. A landscape strip a minimum of IS feet �vide must Ue provicled along the east lot line where <br /> the propert�� abuts ihe R-1 zone. This arca shall be planted with 7'Ype II landscaping. <br /> d. Prior to issuance of any pennits, landscaping plans must Uc reviewed and approve� by thc <br /> I'lanning Dep:u•tment per Section 35.100 of the Zoning Code. 'I'he landscaping plan must show <br /> locatiun and dimensions of required vegelated swales, �vetponds, detention ponds, rockeries anJ <br /> retainin� walls, and gr;iding at 2 foot intcrvals. [rrigation syslems nmst be pro��ided in all <br /> landscaped areas per Section 35.130 of the Zoning Code. A 2 year mainlenance assurance <br /> device must ��e provided for the landscapiug per 5ection 35.130B of the Zonine Code. <br /> 3�. A mininuun of 1 iU square feet oP open space is required on �he site per Section 15.040 oC the <br /> %oning Code. l,?00 squ:ue feet of open space is required. Approxim.itcly 1,200 squxre feet of <br /> upen spacc is proaided. A modification is proposed from the 20-foot minimum dimension of <br /> e,ich open space area, measured in any direction. The Pla�ming llirector appro��ed a reduction <br /> of the mininmm dimcnsional requiremeuts to as IitUe as ninc feet through a Revicw II process <br /> with conditiuns. <br /> �< <br /> �� ��, <br /> � <br />