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. �, <br /> 3G.On-site recrcation facilitics must be provided per Section 15A50 of the Zoning Code. For the <br /> eight units proposed, with unit size ranging from 1,L15 to 1,104 squxrc feet, thc project will <br /> have a recreation impact of .24 acres. Prior to the issuance of Uuilding Permits, thr. Planning <br /> Department must npprove a plan for on-site recre�ition facilities. As part of the building permit <br /> application, thc Applicant must submit a recrcation plan including standurds and spcciticati�ms <br /> for recrcation areas and equipment. both inside and outside the building, including picunros of <br /> proposed equipment. if sufficient iniormxtion i; not lurown al limc of submiltal for building <br /> permits, minimum specifications or examples must be providcJ. Prior to thc issuance of <br /> I�uildine permits, Ihc Pl;mning Departmcnt musl �ippro��c a plan for on-sitc rccrcati��n `acilitics. <br /> Tot luts musl hc loc;ucd in ;enU;i! ;ircas, �vhcrc adryuatc supervisicm or' cliilcirer. can hc <br /> prnvidcd. <br /> I� �' � � ; <br /> S � / <br /> i <br />