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3721 ROCKEFELLER AVE 2016-01-01 MF Import
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3721 ROCKEFELLER AVE 2016-01-01 MF Import
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in writine not latcr ihan cightccn (IRl munihs from thc land usc �nrmit datc. thc Director <br />mal' grant a si:; (G) murth estension. <br />2. This is an administra�i��e decisiun that ma}� he appealed to �he City's Land Use llcarinc <br />Gxaminer. An appr;il ntust he liled ���ilh Ihc Cit�' ���ilhin 14 da�s of the dale of this nolicc. <br />If you h;i��r qurstions rcgarding lhis proposal or if you �aish to filc an appeal, pl�;isc cunl:icl <br />Stc��e Ingalsh�, City of ���crctt Planning Depariment, at (425) 257-573i. <br />2. I3ased upon �1,965 square fect of'I'1'p� \'-i3, sprinklered consu�uction. thc lire ilo��� requirement <br />i� I,�00 gpm. <br />�1. Pire Alarm S��stem ((or Units rVI3/C) - An approeed automatic fire dricction s��stem shall br <br />proeid�d as rcyuind hy City Ordinancc No. 1902-92, Chaptcr 16.76. of U�c Cvcrctt �lunicipal <br />Code. Plans for such syslein shall be subntiued to the Fire Marshal for re��ic�v and appro���l <br />�xior tu instailation. Suhmival shall includc cut shects u( all cyui�mrent intcn�lcd for usc. <br />�p�iropriatr h�ip tcsts. �+�ilnesscd h�� a I�irc I)cpartmcnt inspccior. shall hc prrforinrd. alone <br />�cith a ccrlifiratc of cum�,iclion, prior to ;�ccc�,tancc of thc s��stcm. Pirc al:um s��stcros <br />>hall bc installyd accur�ing lo NI�P:1 SIauJ:n'� 7_'. Insl:ill:ilion of firc ularm compuuculs, <br />includin�; basic ���iriu�;, ma}' not commcnce bcfore plaus :irc appro��ed b�' U�e Firc <br />Dep:u•liucul Plan Rc�ic�r•cr. Pirc ;�larm �Iri�vines must hc pru(cssionally rcndcred, in <br />suf�icient �Ictait, an� nmsl hc intcricillt' consistcul. Risrr diaerams must match installation <br />plans an�l luad calcul:uiuns. ('ony�onrnts niust hc listed and a��pro��c� lor usc toecthcr. <br />Chanecs ui �il;in� must incluJc nc�v ilra�� ines ;m� calcul:uions and must hc ap��rored h�• thc <br />I�irc Dr�iartmcnt Plan P.c�ir��cr �irior �u inst.ill:uiun. �irc al.rcm install;uii�n is suhjccl tu ficl�l <br />insprctiun h� a Pirc Drp:u�tmrm Ins��rciur. An ap��ro�r�l srt ul plans and thc f3uil�inc <br />Drparimcnt ciccU ic:�l pcnnit nmst bc prescnt tiir an1' insC�llation ins�icctiun. Pirc aLu�m s)'stcros <br />shall hc installal un�lrr �unuit uf �hr Cii� uf l:�creu I�uilding Dep:uUnent. Glecu�ical <br />inspc�tiuns an�l :qipmval :irc rcyuirrd prior to c;dling liu accrpt:mcr tcsts. C:tll (�125) 257- <br />Rh10 for permit inf�irm;iti��n. 'Che absence of «•orkin�: pl�oue lines for the alarm s��stem ���ill <br />be causc for puslpuniu�; fire dcparhucnt iuspection and tesliug aud shall result in denial of <br />uccupanc} . <br />5. I�ire Sul���rcssiun (tiprinklcr) S�stcm Itiir ll�i�s :\/13/('1 -;1n :qipro��cd autumcuic suppression <br />��strm shalt hc pruviJc� as rcquireJ I,� Ci',� Ur�in;mcr Nu. 1902 �)2. Chaptcr 1G.76, of thc <br />13��crett Code. 'Chc s�•stem must includc a mechauiril ��atcr gong bcll. Plans for <br />:my such s�stcro shall hc sul�mittc:l �o tnr I3uilding Dcparuncnl for c�amination and approval. <br />Such plans shall include plans for the underground mains that ���ill suppll' Ihe sprinkler system. <br />Thc t�'pc of �prinklcr to hc installcd will hc Jctcrmincd by thc Huildiug Official. It may be an <br />NPPr\ 13. NPP:1 13R. or NPPA 13D systrm depending upon several factors. 5prinkler <br />installatimi shall not begin ��ithoul au appru��ed and stampcd set of plans from lhe <br />I3uilding DeparimenL 'I'lie f=ire Dep,u•intent ���ill also revie��� the plans and shall field inspecl <br />the install:uion based unh• un a���ru��ed plans tha� nmst he on site. Ch.uiges to plans tnus[ Ue <br />nppruvcd h�� huth Ihc Building :md Pirc Dcparhncnts. <br />Aboveground sprinkler piping sli.ill be h.;Jrostatitally tested as establishe� in NPP:1 Slandard <br />13. Undrreruund piping shall hc h1'drostaticall�' testcd and tlushal as establisheJ in NPPA <br />1 <br />
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