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Conclusions: Thc dc��clopmcnt provides an attrxtive strcetscape with a central courtyard by <br />tieparating the unils into indi��idual buildings ra�her Ihan one large building �4ecting tl�e sep;iratinn <br />rcyuiremcnt hct���een buildings would reyuirc thc buildings to bccomc one large building smce the <br />lot is not largc enough to accommodate two to three-story residences. <br />3. 7'he arraugement of buildings and open spaces as the�� relate to ollter baildings .�ud/or uses <br />mi thc sub,ject propert�� aud on surroundin� properties. <br />Pindii� �s: 7'hc �hvelling units arc arranged to pro��idc adrquate open space to ihe front., an�l <br />sicles of cach unit. A minimum of 50 square fce� of open space is required for c•ich dn�clline unit <br />per G�4C 19.0-IO.A. Ovcr I,000 squarc fcct uf opcn spacc ���ill bc pro��idcd. <br />Conclusions: "I'he amount of open spacc to bc pro��i�ed will cxceed Uie zoning code rcyuirement. <br />4. Visual impacl lo stn•�rounding properties caused b�' parkiug facelilies iu the proposed <br />dc��clopmcnt :md ���hethcr such iropacts arc Icss thau «�ould resull from compliancc �ti�ith thc <br />de��elopmcut stnud;�rds .�nd/or desigu guidclines proposcd to he modificd. <br />1=indin�s: Ten off-sh�ect parking spaces :irc rcyuired. 'I'he parking spaces �vill be acccssed froni the <br />allrp as reyuirc�l h�� ENC 19.15.070. I�i�t ul thc parking s�iaccs ���ill bc �vithin thc garagc. :1 <br />fi�e-foo� widc landscapcd strip or a sich�-ubscwing fence nill he pro��ide�l along the north and <br />soutli lot lincs. <br />Cunclusions: Reyuimd landscaping an�/ur (rncin� along th� intrri��r I�u linrs �� ill rcducc �• <br />impacts. <br />�. Does lhe ��ropused desi�;u miti�;:�tc llic imp:rcts th:u cuulcl be caused b� rcla�ation of tlie <br />st:mdards ���hich arc proposcd lo bc mudilicd. <br />I�indim�s: 'I'hr dcsign crratcs :i largc ccntral cour��anl. <br />('unclusiuns: 'I'hc dcsign ���ill mitigatc �iussihlr im��acis. <br />DL SION: "fhr Pl:inning Ui.rrtur :11'I'RO\ GS a r.��uctiun uf thc scp;uatiun rcyuiretnent he����ecn <br />huil�ings ���ilh Ihc folluning cond ti� is: <br />l. Am� changc to thr Jesign ul'th: �xn�ios�il i,r sitc plan reyuires Plannim� Dircctor :�ppro��al. <br />\I <br />I'I;inninu ;�n�l ('umr.iunit� 1>r�rlu�m�rni I>r�,,utmrnt <br />INFOK\L�'1'ION FOR'1'lll: DI:\'LLUIyL'K <br />l. If a cumplctc applic;uiun has �wt bcen filc�l (ur a huildine permit or ryui��alcnt construction <br />pcnnit ���ithin cigluc�n (18) months from Qic approval date of this decision, the permit shall <br />he �le�med lcrminaled, unless an exlension is Lrantcd. If th� pern�iUee requests an extension <br />, <br />