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0 <br />COLIIMBUS BIN COMPANY, INC. <br />3800 Lacon Road <br />Hilliard� Ohio 43026 <br />Telephoue 614 876-9941 <br />MODEL 1Q92 DUST COLLECTO& <br />OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE <br />GIIVERAI, <br />The Model 1492 Dust Collection System is designed <br />to eliminate particulate emissioas generated as mater- <br />ials are charged from a batch plant into a concrete <br />mixer truck. <br />The system consists of a collapsible shroud which <br />surrovnds the truck charging point, ducting, a two com- <br />partment bag house with collection hopper and approp- <br />riate controls. <br />OPERATION <br />The shroud is lovrered by meaas of an air cylinder <br />around the charging hopper and discharge area of the <br />transit mixer truck. Air is pulled through the shroud <br />to gather particulates that xould other wise become air- <br />bourne during the truck charging process. The dust laden <br />air then moves through a transition ia the shroud support <br />plate, through the duct to the two compartment bag house. <br />CLEANING <br />The cleaning method in the Model 1492 is unique and <br />is covered by II.S. Patent No.'3�968�238. Since the unit <br />consists of two compartments, ea�h vith its own fan, a <br />