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large volume of reverse air flow can be created to cleaa <br />the bags. To achieve thia reverse flow, one of the two <br />fans is stopped and a valve in the inlet duct is closed. <br />This provl.des the source of air for the running fan through <br />the stopped fan. The large volume of reverse air flow is <br />extremely efficient ia removing accumulated dust Prnm the <br />bags. The contr�l panel automatically sequeaces the clean- <br />ittg operatioa between compartments after each batch. <br />The sequencing of the system is achieved by depressing <br />the ��operate�� push button on the control. This push but- <br />ton controls a step smitch Which coatrols each phase of <br />the operation. When the push button is first pushed both <br />fans operate and the ialet duct valve opens. The second <br />depression of the ��operate�� buttoa starts Lhe �leaning <br />cycle. In this cycle fan No. 1 will remain ruaning, fan <br />No. 2 stops and the inlet duct valve closes. After thirty <br />seconds fan No. 1 will also stop. The next depressioa of <br />the ��operate�� button vrill comsence the aegt collection cycle <br />and the succeeding depress3on will start the second clean- <br />ing cycle, this time of the second compartmeat. <br />MAINTINANC� <br />Fans <br />The fans used on the Model 1492 featura backward curved <br />blades. These blades provide high efficiency and horse <br />power limitation to prevent motor over load in the event <br />the system is inadvertently started arith a door open. The <br />fan blades can, though, gather dust either from a broken <br />bag or from yard dust. The fan blades should be checked <br />