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weekly as dust accumulation can cause an unbalanced condit- <br />ion aud ruin the beariags. Ceaeat on the blades m�y indi- <br />cate a broken bag. <br />BAG HOUSE <br />As long as dust collection around the truck is efficieat <br />and no dust is passing through the system no maintenance is <br />required on the bag house. Dust passing through the system <br />indicates a brokea bag or bags and these should be replaced <br />immediately. A loss of pick-up efficiencq m�y iadicate that <br />the bags are ��blinding�� or accumulating excessive amounts of <br />dust. Some dust will always coat the inside of the bags and <br />thirs is ttormal but blinding can be caused bq: <br />(1) Not operating the cleaning cycles often enough. <br />(2) Water being picked up along with the dust. <br />(3) Operation in extremely humid conditioas. <br />If the bags blind, the oxcess can usually be removed by a <br />simple hand cleaning. A shaking of the cage will usually <br />accomplish this cleaning. DO N�T beat the bags with broom <br />handle or similar object as this can tear the bags. <br />BAG INSTAI,LATION <br />To replace bags use the following procedure: <br />(1) Remove old bag fxom cage. <br />(2) Clean any accum+ilated cemtn dust from the cage with a <br />wirs brush. <br />(3) Slide new bag over cage. <br />(4) Turn end of bag inside of bottom of cage makiag.sure <br />that no mure than 1��� is tucked under. <br />(5) Slide bag and cage over muunting nipple and secure with <br />clamp. Ead of bag :nust not extend above the mounting <br />nipple. <br />