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FORM A <br />CITY OF EVERETT <br />Snohomish County, N'ashington <br />UNSAFE BUILDINGS REFERENCE NO. 79-511 <br />TO: James Hines <br />713 - 47th Street, Apt. 108 <br />Everett, IVa. 98201 <br />Last kno�vn owner(s) of record of the following described building(s), or structure(s}, <br />or portion(s) thereof: <br />one story •dood frame structure <br />upen the following desc.ribed real property situatc in the City of Everett� Snohomish <br />County, Washington: <br />Lot 5, Block O1',-D-00, To�an of Lowell <br />and commonly ide�tified as follows: <br />5218 South 3rd <br />u <br />YOU ANP EACH OP' YOU be and hereby are notified as follows; <br />