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NOTICE OC UtdSAIL•' IIUILDIrC(S) <br />Seceion 1.: On Plnrch 9, 1979 the Leroinabove described <br /> or .structure(;.), or portion(s) thcrcof, were exvnineu Uy tlie City <br />oL Evcrett �uil�iing Officinl or his duly nutliori^ed representative. <br />Section 2: Up_�n said examivation it is found that said building(s), or struc[ure(s), <br />or portion(s) thcreof, are unsafe as defined in the City of Everett Suilding <br />Code in the folluwing respects, to-wit: <br />Sturcture has been severely damaged, over 50�, by fire <br />The structure is open to the public and attractive to <br />child'ren. <br />Vital parts, plumbiny a��d electrical, have been destroyed. <br />The structure is a fire hazard and a safety hazard to <br />the public. • <br />