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(oontirrued) <br />NOTICE OF�UNSAFE BUILDINv (S) <br />FORM B <br />Section 7: Violators of any of the prwisions of the City of �erett Building CUde <br />shall be guilty of a misdamanor and each such violator shall be deaced guilty <br />of a segarate offense for each arid every day, or portion thereof, during whid� <br />any violation of any of the pravisions of said building code is ccmaitted. <br />oontinuod, ar peimitted, and upon conviction of any such violatiaa� such violator <br />shall be punishable by a fine of not more t1Wn $300.00 or by imprisonment for not <br />more than 90 days or by both such a fine and i�riso�rent. <br />Section 8: Zf the work specified in this notice is perforn�d by the City of Etmrett <br />Buil.3ing Official the msts of said work shall be charged to the a�mer (s) or <br />parties in interest of the reai property on which said building (s), or stn�cture <br />(s), thereof is (are) located and unless such costs have be�Z previously paid'by <br />said awner (s� or parties in iu,ternst such msts shall be levie3 and collected as <br />a special assessnent against said real property. <br />Section 9: This notice and official actirn is pursuant to and in accorc3ance with the <br />City of �Verett Duilding Code, Ciiapter 1G.08 EWerett City Oode adopting and ame�iding <br />the Unifozm Huilding Code, 1976 Fflition prep3red by the Znternational Confera�ce of <br />Building Officials. of said oode are available for public inspec�tion in the <br />office of the City Clerk, �erett City Hall, �erett, Washinqton. <br />Section 10: Rhe C.ity oE �erett Building Off'ical or his duly autharized repiesentative, <br />shall be availalile betc.een 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., 6bnday through FYiday, holidays <br />excepted at his office in tlm EUcrett City Hall, �mrett, Washington, for �nsul- <br />tation in this matter. <br />NOTICE dated this llth �y pf May , 19 79 . <br />City of E�er�ett I3uilding Official <br />By � ,�: . .C/ `.;— <br />