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(continacd) <br />NOTICG Ot UNSAFE BUILDING(_) <br />Section 3: You and eacli of you are directed and required withiu 48 houra from <br />receipt of this notice to commence, or cause to be commenced, the followin� <br />required: (Cross out inapplicable provision) <br />A. Repairs and/or improvemen[s of the items described <br />in Section 2 hcreinabovc. <br />D. Demolition and removal of said building(s), or structure(s), <br />or pnrtion(s), thercof, from, tlie hereinabove descri�ed real property: <br />Section 4: All work descriUed in Section 3 hereinabove shall be performed in <br />compliance with and [o standards required by appliccSlc st�te and local laws <br />and shall Le completed within 90 (ninty) dayn from receipt of tltis <br />notice unless additional time is authorized in wri[ing by the City of Everett <br />IIuilding Official or his duly autliorized represenl•utive, <br />5: Said building(s), or stivcture(s), or porL•ion(s) thcreof,�skall be <br />forthwith and not latcr tlian <br />this notice not reoccupied until said <br />are co�leted, insp ed ;md approved j.t� <br />from reccipt of <br />nirs und/or irtqrovementa <br />by the CiCy oE �rerett <br />Building Official or his du L•horized representativc and no person shall <br />enter said buildin , or struclurc(� , or portic::!s)�l•hereof exce�.•t for the <br />p4rpose of in� said required repairs and/or i ovements or of denwlisliing <br />(Cross out Scetion 5 if inapplicable) <br />Section 6; Upon failure, :.eglect or refusal to couq�ly wi.[li the provisions of this <br />notice Wie City of F.verett IIuilding OPficial oi�liis duly aukt�orized representa- <br />ti�e stiall requcst thc �Verett City Council to order you and each of you <br />prosecuted ns a violal-or ot- tlic proviciona of tlie City of EvcreL•C Duild'ing <br />Code and shall turl•her requcsL• Che fivcreec Cil•y Council Co ordcr thc City o£ <br />Everel•C IIuilding Ofticial Co proceed with Lhe worlc specified in Lhin notiee, <br />