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•'.-i ��� i,epcir, ca�ui.. :i�1 yaii,t ❑).1 .�iii3aa sasli uua duora t�, ope_•ai;ive condition. I�dnimum of <br />one window shall open in each room. <br />UC22 � <br />VC _3 d( / <br />�r� <br />VC24 � <br />Install a 3/4" non-adjustaUle temperuture and pressure relief valve on hot water tank; <br />and cs 3�4" discharge line to outside or to nn interior drain. Rating of vcslve shall <br />not be greater thun pressure rating of wnter tenk. <br />�(a) Repluce all deteriorated rotted or damaged wood foundation and framing memberc,. <br />includin�; posts, plates, be¢ms and joist^p in underfloor nrca w;th sound muterial. <br />No wood to remain witliin 6" of ground. .Sj�'Li���S ���/�,��..i�;Z� <br />/ � <br />(31 Install new gutters under all eaves on main Provide adeqi�nte down- <br />�pouts and splaci� Ulocks. Apply primer and two couts of �exterior paint to matcn <br />existing finisii. <br />L% (b) Install el'oows for downspouts and provide blocks to csrry rooi water <br />at least three feet away from foundation. <br />VC25 U Install dur¢ole plastic laminate or equal kitchr•n counter top and bnck splash after <br />fi:r,t replacing any damaged or rotted underiny. <br />VC26 Q Install at least four 8"x14" gnlvanized hardware cloth screened crno:l apece area vents <br />of ,i-," mesh (one near each corner) vo adequately vent crawl space aren. <br />Note; Metal louvered nail on vents are not acceptable. <br />VC27 � Install an a.ccept¢ble var�r barrier ground cover over entire crawl space area. <br />VC28 v Cratial, space shall be �raded and sloped to preven� ponding of seepn6e water. InstnLl <br />drain tile in gravel bed conneM;ed to suitable outfall to provide positive druindge <br />away from dwelling. Cover entire crawl space with acceptable v¢por barrier. <br />VC29 � Inst¢11 1�8" screened hooded roof or 1�8" screened louver �able vents to provide <br />positive cross ventilntion of e,ttic cpace. <br />VC30 ,�/ Submit evidence that tl�e leased Q gas furnace burner �% hot water tank has been <br />/� purdiased from the ntility cot�any or has been replaceQ—with new equipment and is now <br />part of the realty. (Lessed equipment not acceptabla). <br />'+C31 (� Tnstall new gas or eiectric _gallon water heater with 3�4" non-adjuc`.able tempera� <br />ture and pressure relief valve with dischr3rge line to wtside or interio: drain. <br />Leased equipment not acceptable, <br />4'C32 (] <br />'� �'33 .h# <br />�r-+ <br />Install a new forced air� wall, baseboard or other heating cystem adectnte to heot all <br />finished r�oms to 70� Fahrenheit. Submit heat lo�s calculations and ii.stallation plan <br />for appreval prior to insta7lation. Space or room heaters are not acceptable in <br />ciiaellings of `his type. If electric heat is installed, adequatc wiring and service <br />panel are required to meet minimwn housin� ctnndards of uuthority in jurisdiction. <br />�e(� <br />; �.�d and refinish l.:.rdHood floors $-r� <br />Painted fir floorc may bc repainted. fvOTL: The in.^,{:zllation of carpeting nnd cushion <br />r,cciin� Ui�-44b ei;andard, in thecc areas is nn ncceptuUle niternate method of antisfying <br />this cond�.tion. <br />dC i�+ %� v Replace j� Repair garag= door to ilanction prcperly. <br />•.'S [� �� (n) The r'fA value is based cn u lot size of <br />[� (b) Subnit copy of correct legal description includin� lot dimensione. <br />'C?6 v �(a) Since a portion of tlie land offcred a� security is deemed'io be ineligible <br />excess lund, the Deed of Trusi: or Mortguge shall cover only th� followina <br />parcel whieh is eligible: <br />�(hl The portion of land to be exclude3 consicts of: <br />�'�'37 L% SuUmit evidence irom the locnl authoriti.e� having jurisdiction that the subject properi;y <br />has been connected to Lhe �% public sanitcu•y sewer system, � public water syster�. <br />'v�'?8 U?�ll speci^.1 nssessmeitts for utilities and�or street itrq�rovements� either compl�teu ��;• <br />in the proc��sc of being coropleted, shall be paid in full and evidence of payment <br />:,uuin:*ted to this office when morl;�n.g�� pnpurr nre prer�,nl,ed P�r Jnr,vrence. <br />-_. ��� �ttbmit evideit�e that thc ::ubjec� pi•operC�� Cronbu o�i n:;i.r�r��L J��dir�n.l�,��u tio urni uccr��,i,���l <br />l�y i;hc loc.�1 �3uthori.ty havin_; jt.riraiction :nr cont�'inuovr nuiint;enaucc. <br />