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m-`^ �1�L1:' <br />� . _w�2�'l2 iiu'�•�i'HA SEiuil... luc��� , . • // <br />c " "/_— ''i � <br />r. �D;L; u.�I i0 S�tili CO?��ffTbiEt�i F'r�+ CASis :�J. ���' ��G;.' /-J s _ <br />il... <br />Gi�l �Or�� ADDc�i�:53��,�%�/�l.2fi-� ' <br />D:1i� � _ y %� . _ f,cP / <br />Soccific coa�itment conditiuns (anPlicnblc when cbaaYod) <br />Note: All required repairs must be cospleted in a profasoionnl �anner• ! <br />nii ....,.�a+��,,..++,,.... ...,a/ .... ........ ......�„..i ...,..+�finn+n nf �rn-n'letlen 1t17U3t bC 011LL.i`�.ted bv^:Q'B <br />L� <br />nnd any repnir <br />SIOI•]C CC;*f�IICCa. <br />VC40 �] Submit acecptable written evidence that a racorded pe:petval joim� uee aud mr+ir�tenance <br />u�ree�:nt exista for the privnte roudWoy servina L-he cub�eci: prv�xr�y. <br />YC41 Q Subnit written evidznce that eaneia:ut for driv�'+ryy ov�r cuijaceixt property ie oY record. <br />YC42 Q'�ne manufacturer, or the suppller, of the caryet und�oc cnrpet c4whionin({ inotrJled <br />in connection with this tranaaction chall certlYy tnat the corprb ttad�ar ca."pet <br />cushionin„ is desi6ned to meei; rdA n4niTm otand.:Tdp prencrlbad in the Uue oP M3terials <br />Bu7letin iio. 4�b, April 23. 19u9, and iRd P�;1o'Cin F�o. 44b Addendwn �%2. It the ccrti- <br />fieation to FiiA ec�ea from the eupplter, a ecgy o2 �h� m+inufnevurar`o eertifiention <br />to the supplier must also be aubr,Stted to F'r1A. <br />VC43 ��] Prior to the r�ortQogce requeot for comn:raion to ii.^� ec�uitment in the bqt�er's <br />nnm:., submit certification YY�on the eoardi.n�tor oi hwein(; anci P11}'s3eo1 env5roszce�, <br />Cit;; of �] Sen•ttle Q Tacanu; that 'chc prolxr�y in in �oni'o�'u��ce t+ith, r' u{aen <br />required rehnUilitation is ewipleto xill be in co:v'o:aance �*ith, the:r appltcablc <br />hrn�a{n� v4nnAes.A„ <br />VC� �• �•�� <br />�.� <br />� f,�' a�il 2' • <br />.'�f ;:�Y ;:;�i,;:��3�.�i <br />