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FROM�CITY OF EUERETT HLDG DPT T0� 206 467 0627 NOU 1� 1993 5�23PM p191 P.04 <br />�9�1��9�►�9 <br />Site plan four (4) copies to include the following: <br />� A. Legal description; <br />f B. Horizontal dimensions indicating properly lines, strats, alley easements nnd <br />building IocaUon; <br />..�_ <br />�_ <br />ro�•iu2�roz <br />penn:ka <br />C. Driveway approaches, sidewalks, parking and aisles; <br />D. �xisting grades, rnmps, stairs, rockeries and retaining wells; <br />E. Indicau setbacks from any lakes, slreams, bays, wetlands or other natural baiy <br />of watcr within 100 feet of sitc; <br />F. North azrow and scale (1" = 40'0" minimunt). <br />�; �t �.1� �:� .:. <br />*Uniform Building Code, 1991 Fdition & WAC 51-20, 21 <br />"�iJniform Mc�hanical Cod�, 1991 Edition & WAC SI-22 <br />*Uniform Fire Code, 1991 Fdition & WAG 51-24, 25 <br />*Uniform Plum6ing Code, 1991 iidition & WAC 31-26, 29 <br />*Nadonal Electrical Code, 1990 Edidon <br />"'Ciry of &verctt Zoning Code <br />•Hydrant Ordinance No, 419-76 <br />"Ara►nage Ordinance No. Slb-78 <br />�Street Improvement Ordinances N'os. 555-78 and 665•80 . <br />• Washington Stato Energy Code, 1991 Fdition <br />"Washingtan 5Mte Ruies and Regulations for Barrier-Free FaciliUes WAC .ii-10 <br />Third Fdidon with 1989 Amendments <br />•Washington State Regula8on of Cmss Connection Control WAC 246-290•490 <br />*Automatic Pire Detection & Suppression Systems Ordinance No. 1902-92 <br />