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FROM�CITY DF EUERETT HLDG DPT T0� <br />• ♦ � \ � u . \� <br />206 467 0�2^ NOU 1� 1993 5�23PM p191 P.03 <br />Thrcc (3) complctc sets with site plans. Minimum scale; 1/8" = 1'l�". <br />`� A, Ploor plan with complete dimensions (indicste entire building showing alt exit <br />doors, s�airs, corcidors, etc.); c�j��Uf' �10 � I <br />�I 13, Duilding sectiun with veniCal ciimensions indicatin� location of tenant <br />improvement, other tenants and building construetion; cJ hLG�' 0' � <br />C. Wttll sections indicating p:oposcd constniction and assembly rating �Ie-.q�� <br />for occtipancy separation, uea separation �r building constructiori; �� D: i <br />ll. Stair or ramp plans (1/4" � 1'0" minimum scale) and soctions; 5�{�(,f' �0 � 1 <br />E, <br />F <br />G. <br />Toilet rootn plans (1/4" = 1'0" minimum scale) and interior elevations (indicate <br />wa11 8nd floor finis es, fixture dimensions, handicap aceessories (if requircd) end <br />toiletaccessories;g��j' �10�I � �X��s�"iN/, ' �G✓►M1i' �4a14D <br />lloor scheclule (indicate frame and door rating, type of Icek or lalch and signage <br />if requircd); �XjS�'IV10� � �WYI'11'� ��i D � �'� <br />Lighting plan and energy bucigst calculations (indicate wattage of a I fixtures, <br />inc:ude exterio building mountcd lighting if e or evised); C� �' p. � f�r <br />r_L��2wu i.. �„ s.,., :a�`�., �u srKbun a�.+ar ' <br />✓ H. �nergy ca�;ulaiions (any extenor wau or nw� o� �������e�����•••�- •••--• �•- <br />insulated when the frammg cavity is cxposed when rentodeling. Cavity etust be <br />insulated to the maximum cfep h possihie or lo lhe d�pth ndiceted by encrgy <br />ralculations); a���� ��DIM MOh+G `i� 4� <br />�(�„ I. �uuctural drawings and caleu]aCsons (only required if altering existiug structure <br />or adding new lcu�d-be��ring slrucuire); <br />_� l. Architoct's or cnginccr's stamp. (All projects of 4,000 squate fat or more thaq <br />4 dwelling.units raqulre the pl�ns to bc prcpared by an architect or engineer <br />currenUy licenscd to practicc in thc State of Washington); ��, a�� S h,� <br />� K. Copies of any permitslapprovals issucd by the Planning Department; <br />'�— L(requi�recl onlyef t e Uuldin�g i�s nol e.qu pped�with ancomple c�auton at a fire <br />suppression system), <br />gc : I <br />pertnctt (lll7l9J) <br />