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FROM:CITY OF EUERETT BLDG DPT T0� 206 467 0627 NOV 1� 1993 5�22PM a191 P.02 <br />CITY OT �VGRE7"f <br />� CONSTRUCTYON PERMIT SUBMITTAL CHECKLiST <br />FOR: <br />COIWVIERCIAL TCNANT AViPROVEMT.AiTS <br />Complete checklist in ink. Fees: The plan check fee is due when permit 2pplication is made; <br />the permil fees are paid when the perm�t is issuul. This chacklist must accompany a <br />completal permit applicaUon. <br />I. p.�III�l�iNG DFSCRIPTION <br />Building:M �• A. Usa of tenant s�ace and building (or adjacent tenants, Moni�G Cris�o <br />7'enanl:�. for example a Tenant: restaurant, an office, etc.). ��}�,�,�,VilMt ��155�4�.Y.,�. <br />B. ConstrueGon materials within building (wooci, stael, eoncrete, etc.). ��i�'�n1 <br />lst T�1.11 0� C. liuilding floor azea (U.B.C. Section 407 "rloor area" <br />2.�d FIdO�► [(i�nutliple floors iqdicate f�,�or area of each f1oQr). <br />3n1 T�l.��sf 4 fL. ��1�N'� C>�rri �L. q,4Je0gt� C'p'�'� �I., '1,3�Z S'F. <br />Z � 0 D,Tcnent improvemcnl ilcwr area. <br />1'rs ✓ B. Indic::te if the building i� eyuippecl with an automatic fire suppression <br />N�> system (fire sprinkler system). Please refer to City of �verott Ordinance <br />Parti2l No, 1902-92. <br />F. Number of off-strcct parking spaces provided. <br />DcscriUe Uelow any other information which may assist Ihe Plans Reviewer :n processing the <br />permit application. <br />��+.�,.�, ��;�� b�v►ivab�ioh -��v►m i�' Rluv►� br,►• g�� 14a <br />P«��,�► � �anvy» <br />