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:: � : : � � :_::_ •, • : : � �:� <br />THIS DECLARATION made this '�'�•� day of �T"�'i . <br />1986, by Ritk A. Smith and Vickie L. Smith, his wife, herein- <br />after called the Declarant, provides as follows: I <br />ARTICLE I <br />purnose <br />1.1 Declarant ie the owner of certain real property <br />in the County of Snohomish, State of Washington, known as <br />• Larimer Ridoe, such plat being recorded in the office of the <br />Snohomish County Auditor, Snohomish County, washington, under <br />Snohomish County Auditoc's File No. �fb/�.',220036 and is <br />desirous of subjecting the real property described in said plat <br />to the restrictions, covenants, reservations, easements and <br />charges hereinafter set forth, each and all of which is and are <br />for the benefit of said property and for each owner thereof, <br />and shall inure to the benefit of and pass with said pcoperty <br />and each and evecy parcel thereof,and shall apply to and bind <br />the successors in interest and any owner thereof. These <br />easements, reatrictiona, covenants and conditions are intended <br />to protect the value and desirability of the foresaid real <br />property. <br />, i.2 Declarant hereby declarea that the real pLoperty <br />deacribed in said plat except Lot 22, which is the common area <br />� in said plat, is and shall be held, transferred, sold and <br />conveyed subject to the cortditions, restrictions, covenants, <br />reae�vations, easements and c�'�ges hereinafter set focth. The <br />entite area except Lot 22 ahos.i on the above referenced'•plat o� <br />any subsequent plats filed pursuant ta this Declaratidn, shall <br />be subject to the following restrictive covenants and <br />restrictions hereinafter referred to as "Larimer Ridge <br />Declncation of Restrictive Covenants." <br />ARTICLE II <br />Definitions <br />The following words when used in this Declaration or <br />any supplemental declaration, unless the context shall <br />p�ohibit, shall have the following meanings: <br />2.1 "Association" shall mean the Larimer Ridge P.ome <br />Ownersti Associaticn, a Washington non-profit corporation. <br />2.2 "Board" shall mean the Board of Directors of <br />Larimer Ridge Home Owne�s' Association. <br />2.3 "Building Site" shall mean any lot or portion <br />thereof,'or any two or mo�e contiguous lots- or a parcel of <br />land of recocd in a airgle ownership and upon which a structure <br />may be erected in conformance with the requiremenks of this <br />Declaration. <br />2.4 'Byl,aws".'shall mean th\ Bylaws of the <br />Association. <br />2.5 "Committee" shall mean the Architectural Control <br />Committee. <br />