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2.6 "Common Pcoperties" shall mean land and/or <br />facilitiee 'which the Association owns and/or maintaine, and <br />which is identified ae Lot 22 in said plat. <br />� 2.7 "Declarant" shall mean Kirk H. Smith and Vickie <br />L. Smith, husband and wife, their heirs, successors and <br />aeeigns, i <br />2.8 "Declaration" ahall mean thie Larimer Ridge <br />Declaration of Restrictive Covenants dated the _ day of <br />September, 1986, as the same may be supplemented or amended <br />from time to time. <br />2.9 "Development" shall mean all property included in <br />any plat which is subject to thie Declaration or which ie made <br />aubject to this Declaration by specific reference. <br />2.10 "Facility" ahall include playground equipmen�, <br />trail syatem, not accepte3 by the City of Everett as sidewalks, <br />and common buildings, appurtenances or land improvementa for <br />common uae by Larimer Ridge residents or the general public. <br />2.11 "Owner" shall mean the record owner, whether one <br />or moce persons o� entities, of fee aimple title to any <br />building aite aituated upon the propecties. <br />2.12 "Properties" shall mean all the property herein- <br />above deaccibed and al],_ property included in subseQuent alats <br />or conv�yances by specific• ceference and additions thereto <br />siibject to this Declaration or any supplemental declaration <br />under the provisions of Article TII hereo:. <br />ARTICLE III <br />'` proR�rt,y ��'+Lbje�t to this Declaration <br />3.1 Prop,��y Description: The real pcopecty ��hich is <br />and shall be held and conveyed, transferred and sold subject to <br />the conditions, restricti�ns, covenants, reservations, ease- <br />ments and chargea with reapect to the varioue portions thereof <br />set forth in the various clauses and subdivieions of thie <br />Declaration ia located in the City of Everett, County of <br />Snohomish, S�:ate of Washington, and is more particularly <br />deacribed in .A::ticle i above. No property other than thaC <br />described above shall be deemed subject to this Declaration <br />unlese and until specifically made aubject thereto. <br />II " • • . � II " • 1 . • 1 <br />4.1 General: The Association is a Washington <br />non-profit cocporation organized to further and promote the <br />common interesta of property owners in the development. The <br />Association shall have such powera in the furtherance of its <br />purposes ae ace set forth in its Articles and Bylawa. <br />The Association shall operate and maintain at ita cost <br />in neat and good order, and for the use nad benefit of the <br />owner3 of the property in the development, all land and/or <br />facilities from time to time designated, transferred or <br />conveyed by the Declarant to the Association. When tl�e <br />Declarant conveys common properties to the Association, such <br />conveyance shall be by an appropriate Deed, transferring <br />marketable title. The Association shall pay the established <br />- 2 - <br />