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�ASEM�NT <br /> 'fhis c�semcnt is grnnted subject te and conditior,d upon the folion�ing terms, conditions and <br /> covenanis: <br /> l. Grantor shalf at all times conduct its activities and all other activities ce:iducted on <br /> Grantor's property so as not to interfcre with, obstruct or endangcr the usefulness o}' any <br /> improvemcnts, or other facilitics, now on c�rcaftcr mainlained upon thc casement, or in any way <br /> interferc wiQi,obstruct or cn�angcr the City's usc of the easement. <br /> 2. I'rior to any construction, work or any other activity by Grantor within the easement, <br /> notiticntion nnd plans for the same shall bc submitted in writing to the City by Grantor and no <br /> such coustruction, �vork or activity by Gr.�ntor shail bc commenced without City's prior written <br /> agrcement :hat thc Grantor's proposed construction, work or aclivity will not interfere with the <br /> City's cascment granted hcrcin; PROVIDGD, I10�4�GVER, any changes or revisions in thc pinns <br /> shall zlso be subject to City's prior ngrcemcnL Thc City's rcview of the Grantot's plans undcr <br /> this casri»���t sliall not be deemcd to impose nny duty or obligation on the City to dctetmine the <br /> adcquacy or sufftcicncy of Grantor's plans und designs nor tvhcthcr Gruntor's cons�ruction, work <br /> or activity is in confonnnnce with otlier applicable pl�ns, codes and reguletions. Purihcr, <br /> agrecmenl by the Ciry to such construction, work or activity shall not in any manner be <br /> considered as imposing a7y obligation, duty or IiaUility upon the City ns to the safety or <br /> propricry of such construction,work or activity. <br /> 3. Granton c�reby autl�orizcs City to cut, trim and temove any at,d all brush, trees, other <br /> vegelation or deUris upon lhc easemcnt and the right of access For such purposes. Grnntor also <br /> authorizcs tlie City to cut, trim and removc a�ry and all b�Ush, trecs, other vcgetalion and debris <br /> on Grantor's property �vhich, in the City's rcasonablc judgment, constitules a hazard to d�e <br /> casement and thc right of access for such purposes. <br /> 2 �, <br /> i 't <br />