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rns��rN�r <br /> 4. Thc Grantor agrccs thal tide tu al] Urush, Irces, olher ��egetatien or debris trimmed, c�_t <br /> and removed from thc casement pursuant to this Agrcement, and also all brush, trees, other <br /> vegemtion or debris trimmed, cul and removed from Grtuitor's land pursuant to this Agt�eement is <br /> vestcd in thc City, and that the conside:ation paid for conveying snid :asement and rights hcrein <br /> described is ncccptcd as Cull compensation for all damages inc:dental to tl:c cxercisc of any of <br /> said r:Irts. <br /> 5. In the e��cnt Grantor places auy improvements on or in r},e easement or consuucts <br /> anything within thc casen;�nt witliout first having obtaineci Au ��Ti'.ien approval of tlic Ciry <br /> Lnginecr, ihe Grantor shall ccasc al] such activity and remove aany and all improvements placcd <br /> thercin without the writtcn a�recmcnt of Uie City Lngineer. In thc event Grantor fails to obmin <br /> ptior approval, Gra�itor hercby aulhorizes thc City to removc any und all improvements placed or <br /> constructed thcrein and hold thc City, its officers, employees and agents hnrmless from damage <br /> caused to said improvements from removnl thcrcoL Grantor fiirther agrce:; to pa} the Cily for <br /> any and alt costs incuircd by thc Ciry in removin� lhc improvcments. This right is in addition to <br /> any othcr right thc City may have al law or in cquity. <br /> 6. Grmuor docs releasc, in;lenmify .sud promise to defcnd and s�ve hartnless thc City, its <br /> officers, cmployees and agents from and against any and all liabilily, loss, damage, expcnsc, <br /> actions und clnims, including costs a�id reasonablc ariorney's fees incurred by tlie City, its <br /> ofticers, entployccs and ngents in dcfense thercof, asscrling or azising directly cr indirectly on <br /> account o1' or out of Grantor's use or activity within thc above-described casemenl. This <br /> paragrapli does not purport to indemnify the City ugainst liability for damages arising out of <br /> bodily injuq� to persons or damages to property caused Uy or resulting from the sole negligeece <br /> of'thc City, its officers, employecs mid agents; rnovided, that if thc claims or damages are caused <br /> � <br /> `l <br />