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EASEMEN'I' <br /> by or result from thc concurtent ncgligcnce of(a) the Grantor, its agents, successors or assigns, <br /> and (b) the City, its officers, employecs or agents, this indetnnity provision shall bc valid and <br /> enforceable to lhc cxtent permined by law. The Grnntor specificalty nnd �xpcessly waives any <br /> immunity wider Industrial Insurance,Title 51 RCW, and acknowled�es ih it this �v;.iver has been <br /> mutually negotiated by the parlies. <br /> 7. The Grantor also covenm�ts to thc City that Grantor is Inwfully seized and posscssed of <br /> the ]end aforesaid; has a good and lawful right and powcr to scll and convey samc; that same is <br /> free und cicar of encumbrances, exccpt as above indicated; and that Grantor will forever warrant <br /> nnd defend lhc title to snid eascment and thc quiet possession thereof against the lawfiil claims <br /> and demands of all persons whomsoe��er. <br /> 8. Thc rights and oblignlions of the Grantor and City sliafl inure to the benefit of and Uc <br /> binding upon their respective heirs, suceessors and assigns. <br /> 9. Uther: <br /> Gxecuted as of thc datc l�ercinabove set fodh. <br /> GI2ANToacs> RI:PRES � 1' T CORPOF.ATE <br /> / <br /> By:-�ipF-�l" �'/��'✓6..`�'TA� <br /> Title: �1p�'�7P_— � q <br /> /1'IL—?l'J� <br /> �� � <br /> �'�l <br />