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(;onchisinn: I'hc ��rnposcd dc��cin�� should uot posc a tlirca� �n public hr�lth, rntity. ,rod <br />wclfnrc an or o�l lhc suhjccl lol. <br />3. Any alter;ilinos permiUcd lo Ilw requircments nP (Ihe %oning Cnde) shall hc tlie mininnim <br />neccss;u�y lo allo�c fur rcasonablc nsc oT Ihc propa�ly. <br />l�indiu�: 11ic applicanl �?ropuscs a Zd fonl sctback front U�c sticcl sidc Int linc fiir unil 111. "I'hc <br />strccl is a dcndcud and scrvcs I I dwcllin�, nnifs. <br />Coni lu�ioir. A rcduclion of Ihc Icn foot strect sulc sctl>nck I�� livc fc� 1 will rcducr 1hc imp�ict <br />�m Ilre �vclland buficr by fivc fi�cl. <br />d. 1'hc in;ibilily nf Ihc npplic;ml ln dcrivc rc�isnn�blc ecnnnmic usc nf Ihc �..nperly is unt thr. <br />result nf nclinns hy Ilic ,�pplicanl in sulidividin�; Ihc prn�icrl}' or ad,jusliu�; ;i hnund;m� <br />linc thcrchy cre,itin{; Ihc �mdcaclnpnble coudilion ;�1'tcr fhc efl'crli�c d,itc of Ihe (thc <br />%anin�; Codc) <br />Rindin�: 'I hc subjcct propci1y is Lot'1.1 nl�lhc Plnt of In�crcity nddiiiun I)ivisiun I. 'Ihis pl�it <br />�vas crcatcd in 1930. <br />C'onclu.inu: "Ilic lot wns crcal^d npproximalcly GO ycnr^ priar lo Ihc (:iidcol Arcns Ordinancc. <br />5. I'he propns;il miti�atcs tlic impaels on fhc cnviranmenlally scusilice :�re�s lo Ihr <br />m;��inunn erlc�d pnssiblc. <br />I�indin�;: I'hc pi����nsal hav a sclback �iti nan��w �is S,6 fccl Irnm Ihc wc�lancl �vhcrc dwcllin�, <br />nnit JIl is pruposcd. n 12-fnol sclback frnm thc wc�land has hccn rccnnmtcndcd b}' thc <br />Ucpai�ntent uf I?coluFY I licrc aro invasivc spccics such a; I linrdrrymt hl�ickhcny �vilhin thr. <br />bnller. 'I he�e are uppnrhmilies lo enhnnce Ilic rem.iining buffi:r by remnvin�; inv�isive spccicv <br />,iud repl�mliug willi n�ilivc liccr: rind �,hrubs. <br />Cnnclusinn: 'I he pro��osnl dncs not mitiE!olc imp�iclx �m Ihc crilictil �irca lo �hc niaximnm <br />cx(cnl p�ssiblc. tiignilicanl prujcct imp,icl�c cnn I•c niitigatcd willi cnh,mccmcut ol' Ihc bulli�r, <br />in;tnll�dion of w;iUs ,ilunfl portions of Ilic buflcr cd�c, and piovidiu�; a minimum sclh�ick uf I:: <br />li�ct from Ihc wcllnnd fi�r chvcllin�� unil !!I nnd a mininium 30-frwt wi�lc hulli•i liir dwclliup <br />unil 1l2. A 12-fa�d sclb.ick shuuld aillnt�� f�rr;i buildiu�; Inulpiiut ul 2;'x25' in �iddilion lii,i <br />l�vo cai �{ari�{c lo Ihc wcsl oC Ihc huildin� fuolpiinl. A nti�i�!.riiun cnhanccmcnt pl;m Iinm ;i <br />hioln{!is� tvill hc rcquiicd. <br />UI�:(Ytil(IN: 'Ilic prnpu.acd re�isonaMlc ur;c ❑pplica�irni li�r rcduclinn of thc �,O I��nt aiJ� �:cil�n�l <br />bnlTrr'�nd .slicct sidc sc�hacl< is npprnved suhjcct In �hc Ihllmvin�, concli�inns' <br />I. A slormwntcr silc pinu mcctinq Ihc rcquircmcn�s ol thc ('ily's 2010 �l��uu�e:d� r h1,m�i��� mcnl <br />Manu�il fcir hnth unils i:; rcquired prior lu buildin� permil submiUnl. <br />2. I'rupc�scd d«•cllin�: unit Ill uwst proeidc ,i miniinum 12-fiio� r;ctb;ick fiom Ihc cd�;c �d Ihc <br />���r.11anil and n fivc funl sc(h:icl< I'iuiu �hc lid linc nl�m�; qq�o I'Incc S\V. 'I'hc minimum hnffcr <br />tvidth sh,ill hc live fi•ct ,�l Ihi�: Inc;diun. 'I he mnxiimun 1'����I mc,i shall be 20 Iccl on Ihc cn�;f <br />sidc ��f �hc unil ;ntd 15 Iccl Ihnn Ilic �vcsl sicic of thc unit. Any p�n�ciiu'nl �vithin Ih�• �:clh:icl; <br />linm thr. hullcr must hr. perviuus. Prop�ccd dwcllin� iuiil ll � ianst �,rn�-idc ,i 1�i Gnd �eidc <br />� <br />_ _ ._ _ . __ — --- _.. _ <br />r::')9t0 Nclmorc '�rc�wc, Suile 8 A, livciclf, W� 7R2111 -lihld �(d?5�7`�J-!tJ'I, ha<hl",)7ti / R1�V �\. J' <br />�3 <br />