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� <br />� <br />huf�i•r li�nn Ih� cdf,c ul� thc tvcllnnd �t�ilh �i ��tinimiuu livc fnul sc;back tinni thc hutfir. N�� <br />hul'li�r is rcquircd tn Ihc �ccst. "fhc icmainJc; ,if Ihc tiitc musl Uc protccicd ��-r.tland nnd bnflcr. <br />1. Rcmave non-n;ili��e invatiive spccies Irnm tlir rero;iinin�� hu�'ler and enh;�nre �hc buficr �vilh <br />n;divc plants. "I'his �eill rcquirc a cuh.inccmcnl piau tiom a �iulogisl prim to itisunncc nf n <br />bnilding pcnnil fnr unil tJl. <br />�I. I�.lintinalc lhc Icv.ird of nll trecs dcctncd h,ir;irJous h,y ;in ;nhorist prinr to issunncc ,1 buildin�; <br />permit ;. A mini,num uf h�•o Irccs uiusl hc plantcd liirc��ciy haznrJ licc climin;ncd. <br />i. Cnuslnicl �i pernrwcnt ���all n minimum ��f d?" high bcl���ccn cl�cclling unit 1!1 and (hc �vcllnnd <br />alung Ihc wcU;md buf�cr cdgc. A fcncc moy bc uscd alon�, Ihc remnindcr of Ihc huffcr cd��c. A <br />Crilical Arca si�,n musl hc pl�ced on Ihc wnll. <br />G. Kccord a(:ritical Aic,� ('rnlcrlivc f'ovcnant ��rinr la issnnncc of huilding permits. <br />7. f:nli,mccmcnl uf Ihc rcnriinin�; bul'Icr nnd Ihc cuustruclion of thc w�ill anil Icnce musl hc <br />cnmplciccl ��rior tu istiu;mcc of buildin�: licnnits. <br />'I'his is ;m sdminitilrativc �Icr.isinn ihal i.; a��pr.;ilnhlc lo Ihc Cily'ti L;ind Usc llrning Ii�,imincr. Any <br />a��pcnl nmsl hc ��Icd �villi fhc City wilhin 14 days of Ilic <lalc of Ihis nulicc. fl' you havc qncuinn� <br />rcgnrding thir; propnsol or if ynu wisii In filc ,m npprd, plrasc cnutnc� til�rvc Init.ilshc, t'ily of livcrcli <br />Pl,inning I)e��;uhncn�, ;U (<{25) 257 3711. <br />Uatr: f�chrnary 27, 201�1 <br />�/ = ."� �- �dc <br />---; - � . <br />��--����'� .:�'ri �� _� .-• - <br />�All,in �iil)efi, L)uccln� <br />I'I,inniiij� and I'nmmunih� I)cvrlr,��inrnf Uc��ailn���nt <br />� !�� _ <br />/q. <br />r�,; l�i �q lVrimi�i,� �Av,�nm�, Slni��� R il, I's�,�ii n. l4'�1 �iH; pl �10�1-I t�'-`i 1�1.' � i.'S7-K711, I�:i� ��I:'';j? ;7-R7•1) <br />