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• •, <br />March 5, 1979 <br />The regular meeting of the Everett Board of Adjustment was field at <br />7:00 p.m. in the [fearing Room of the Snohomish County Courthouse, <br />Everett, WA. <br />Mr. Russell Presided; Mr. Black, Mr.Wilson, Mr.Zook, and Mr. Kristi.ansen <br />were present. <br />A letter was read confirming the withdraaalof the application of <br />Goldie Erickson, 1801 Wall Street, Everett, WA 98201 who was asking <br />for a reduction in the off street parking requirements. <br />After a 30 day postponement a hearing was held on the application of <br />Sherstad & Williams PO Box 419, Kirkland, WA 98033 for a variance <br />from Section 19.14.050 of the Everett Municipal Code, Yard Requirements, <br />Paragraph C, for permission to construct a single family residence to <br />comply with handicap requirements nd be able to build to within eleven <br />(11) feet of the rear yard property line rather than the code requirement <br />of twenty (20) feet. <br />Legal Description: Lot 9 Wellington Manor No. 2 (So. of Holly Drive) <br />Approximate Location: 88th Street SE & 3rd Place SE (E. of 3rd Ave) <br />Zoning: R-1 Single Family Low Density Residence <br />Earl C. Barney Jr. represented Sherstad & Williams and made the <br />following statements: <br />1. There in a sale pending on the house if the variance is granted. <br />2. Wide hallways and patio areas are ,seeded for the manuevering <br />of a wheelchair. <br />3. There are no problems with setbacks for any future adjacent houses <br />4. As much square footage as possible is needed in a house for the <br />comfort of the handicapped. <br />5. There is a definite need for homes for the handicapped. <br />Mr. Russell mentioned the fact the Board members feel there is some <br />question as to the hardship that may exist and there should be a <br />way to design a building for the handicapped that will fit the lot <br />and maintain the required setbacks. <br />There was no opposition from the audience. <br />After visually viewing the subject property and hearing all the facts <br />and testimony it was moved by Mr. Black, seconded by Mr. Wilson and <br />unanimously carried to deny the applicant's request as it does not <br />meet all the requirements of Section 19.70.060 of the Everett Municipal <br />Code Paragraphs 1,2,3, & 4. <br />(1) <br />