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2713 MAPLE ST 2017-06-21
Address Records
2713 MAPLE ST 2017-06-21
Entry Properties
Last modified
6/21/2017 8:51:04 AM
Creation date
6/21/2017 8:51:03 AM
Address Document
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FIRE DEPARTMENT REQUIREMENTS <br /> Rick Robinson (425) 257-8123 <br /> 3. Required. at door on Maple Street - When access to or within a structure or an area is unduly <br /> difficult because of secured openings or where immediate access is necessary for life saving or fire- <br /> fighting purposes, the Fire Department may recommend or require a key box to be installed in an. <br /> accessible location. A rapid entry system may also be desirable in order to avoid unnecessary damage <br /> while making entry to any building during an emergency situation. Please call (425) 257-8123 for <br /> further information. <br /> 4. Premise Identification - Premises shall be clearly identified by the correct address at the street <br /> entry. The building shall be clearly identified so as to be visible and legible from the access road. <br /> Individual apartments and suites, where applicable, shall be clearly and legibly identified from the <br /> access road. <br /> 5. A fire hydrant is required within 200 driving feet, but not closer than 50 feet, of every structure. <br /> Location of the hydrant(s) shall be approved by the Fire Marshal. <br /> 6. Based upon 1,460 square feet of Type V-I3, sprinklered construction, the fire flow requirement is <br /> 1,500 gpin. <br /> 7. Permits are required from the Fire Department for removal and isnatlllationn of underground fuel <br /> tanks. <br /> 8. Abandoned tanks shall be pumped out and the fuel properly disposed of prior to removal. No <br /> product or rinse water may be disposed of in such a way that it could enter the storm drains system. <br /> 9. Trash Collection - Dunnpsters over 1.5 cubic yards capacity shall be located a minimum of 5 feet <br /> from the building [IFC 304.3.3, 2003 Edition]. <br /> PLANNING ItEQUIREMENTS <br /> Steve Ingalsbe (425) 257-8941 <br /> 1.0. Category B landscape standards apply. EMC .19.35.070.A.1 allows the reduction of required <br /> landscaping if the required landscaping is more than 15% of the site area. The amount of required <br /> landscaping would be 26% if a five-foot wide landscaped strip along the north and south lot lines and <br /> a ten foot wide landscaped strip along Maple Street were required. The Planning Director approves <br /> the proposed landscape modification which allows the replacement of the east 54 feet of the five-foot <br /> wide landscaped strip along the south lot line with a five to six foot gall solid wood fence. <br /> 11. Provide a minimum of three, paved off-street parking spaces. <br /> 12. Placement and screening of refuse disposal areas must be provided per Section 39.080 of the <br /> Zoning Code as follows: All garbage dumpsters and recycle bins must be screened. from view from <br /> the street and from adjacent properties and be located next to (lie alley. Screening may be done using <br /> dense vegetation or by placing the dumpster or recycle bin in a structural enclosure. For specifics on <br /> design of refuse and recycling facilities, contact Rubatino Refuse Removal, Inc. at 259-0044. <br />
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