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January 3, 2018 <br /> A special meeting of the Everett City Council was called to order at <br /> 3:00 p.m., January 3, 2018, in the City Council Chambers of the <br /> William E. Moore Historic City Hall, Council President Tuohy presiding. <br /> Upon roll call, it was found that Council Members Roberts, Moore, <br /> Murphy, Bader, Stonecipher, and Tuohy were present. Mayor Franklin <br /> was excused. <br /> INTERVIEWS — INTERIM CITY COUNCIL POSITION NO. 4 <br /> President Tuohy welcomed guests to a special meeting scheduled for the <br /> purpose of interviewing the six finalists selected for Interim Council <br /> Position No. 4. <br /> President Tuohy stated that candidates would be asked to respond to the <br /> same six questions, which were provided to each applicant last week. <br /> She stated that deliberation and selection to fill the position would occur <br /> as part of this evening's regular meeting at 6:30 p.m. <br /> As instructed by President Tuohy, each candidate responded to one <br /> question posed by each council member, and each finalist was provided <br /> time for a brief closing statement. The following individuals were <br /> interviewed by council members: Hillary Pirtle, Paula Rhyne, Ethel McNeal <br /> The City Council recessed at 3:57 p.m. for a break and reconvened at <br /> 4:15 p.m., at which time the following three candidates were interviewed: <br /> Michael Trujillo, Tyler Rourke, William Morgan <br /> The special meeting was adjourned at 5:29 p.m. <br /> , JAd. ,),(7,zea, <br /> City Clerk <br /> Read and approved as printed. 27...----v-----_____, <br /> Lid", <br /> Co(nc. `resid f nt <br /> 1 <br />